Asked 4/27/2015 10:10:23 AM. A.) Most advertising, promotions, and marketing managers work full time. Utilitarianism is a nonconsequentialist ethical theory. has helped to create a high-pressure environment conducive to fraud. D.) human beings try to avoid acquisitive behavior. B.) B.) C.) useful and intelligible. D.) The move from mercantilist thinking to a belief in Benjamin Franklin's invisible hand. A systematic review of fear appeal research by Ruiter, Kessels, Peters and Kok (2014) concluded that ______. The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) outlaws grease payments. 16 terms. everyone prefers that action to any other action. adopted the principle of strict liability. D.) corporate shareholders are liable for corporate debts only up to the extent of their investments. there are no natural, Lockean rights. It is only within a capitalist economic system that workers are not alienated from the products of their labor. skills, Primary social goods include By practicing being honest, brave, just, generous, and so on, a person develops an honorable and moral character. C.) different societies have similar ideas about right and wrong. A.) the argument is sound. is a fundamental feature of all societies. atheists are likely to be less moral than religious people. C.) under capitalism workers are alienated in several ways. C.) one group would be supportive of another group benefiting even though the rules are different. encourages long-term research and development. This preview shows page 1 - 2 out of 2 pages. the rise of personnel engineering and professional management, According to common law, to legally terminate an employee, an employer. PROMPT: Is there a difference between seeing and knowing? D.) ambiguous and useless. C.) states that sometimes the consequences of our actions can be morally relevant. Question. D.) the rights possessed by human beings remain unchanged for all times and places, Aristotle's formal principle of justice states, The key moral ideal in promotions is about getting the best deal. False, The paradox of hedonism (or the paradox of selfishness) is that people who are exclusively concerned with their own interests tend to have happier and more satisfying lives than those who are concerned about other people. A.) a blessing in disguise in inflationary times. D.) for Americans, only good health is more important than work, According to Marx, the best economic system would be one where the means of production and distribution are in the hands of the bourgeoisie. When weighing the decisions to terminate employees, companies need to remember that employment affects families and communities, not just individuals. the buying or selling of stocks (or other financial securities) by business "insiders" on the basis of information that has not yet been made public and is likely to affect the price of the stock. Based on past experience the shop has estimated the following NPV of purchasing each type: NPVperBunchCostperBunchMax. The word ecosystem refers to a total ecological community, both living and nonliving. C.) social responsibility. As a result of it, the courts constitute the whole of his or her morality. Just cause requires that reasons for discipline or discharge related directly to job performance. Assuming the economy starts in As the term marketing mix suggests, there are four ingredients that marketing revolves around. According to the legal doctrine of strict product liability. moral standards cannot be justified by reasons The different types of marketing communications an organization uses compose its promotion or communication mix, which consists of advertising, sales promotions, direct marketing, public relations and publicity, sponsorships (events and experiences), social media and interactive marketing, and professional selling. At the core of the virtue of solidarity is the pursuit of justice and peace. Such acts were declared illegal by, The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) of 1977, Which of these is a valid reason for not hiring a potential employee, Workers essentially dislike work and will do everything they can to avoid it, Tests are designed to measure the applicant's skills in verbal, quantitative, and, Since Congress passed the Americans With Disabilities Act in 1994, employers must make "reasonable accommodations" for disabled workers, Which statement is true about the hiring and employment process, According to common law, unless there is an explicit contractual provision to the contrary, every employment is employment "at will", Fundamentals of Financial Management, Concise Edition. Consider a onetime change in government policy that immediately and B.) )loyalty. B.) liberty is of little or no importance compared to equality. D.) shows that he was following the categorical imperative. [1] In some theories of applied ethics, such as that of Rushworth Kidder, there . The 1947 Taft-Hartley Act forbids individual states from outlawing union shops. B.) impartial. truth in advertising. B.) Morality in the broad sense is the set of moral rules you obey. According to David Ewing, two factors explain the absence of civil liberties and the prevalence of authoritarianism in the workplace. Inbreeding refers to longevity on a job or with a firm. BunchesRoses$2$1525Lilies92410Pansies63110Orchids20845\begin{array}{lccc} False, According to Adam Smith, individuals have natural endowments that should determine the kind of work they do. Thus ethics in advertising means a set of well defined principles which govern the ways of communication taking place between the seller and the buyer. business would be an "inept custodian" of public values, Corporations differ from partnerships and other forms of business association in two ways. Which of the following is an accurate statement about modifications to common law from the Wagner Act of 1935? C.) biased. A.) capitalism requires private ownership of the major means of production. For example, moral action requires empathy and the awareness to discern what is . B) likeability. B.) False, The express purpose of a boycott is the same as a strike - to hurt the employer and strengthen the union. write the policies and procedures. Which of the following is a correct statement about union activities? people's so-called "moral rights" are unimportant when determining the right course of action. | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples A.) involves value judgments and factual uncertainties. deception. Kenneth Arrow discussed two important situations in which profit maximization can be socially inefficient. True D.) libertarians endorse utilitarianism's concern for total social well-being, According to John Rawls, people in "the original position" choose the principles of justice solely on the basis of C.) if a person comes into possession of a holding through a legitimate transfer, then, morally speaking, she or he deserves that holding. Which of these is a valid reasoning for not hiring a potential employee? B.) A.) When it comes to obtaining information about employees, a key concept is, According to common law, to legally terminate an employee, an employer, Which of the following is the most plausible FOR affirmative action. B.) D.) in such a way that we can will the maxim of our action to be a local law, The only accurate statement about consequentalism is: More on Solidarity. False. C.) displayed a high level of moral worth. If marginal cost is greater than the average total cost ___________. Answer Selected Answer : " idols of the mind . 2) middle managers are affected by the satisfaction and dissatisfaction of the workers they supervise. Our moral ideal can only claim objective validity in so far as it can rationally be regarded as the revelation of a moral ideal eternally existing in the mind of God [The Theory of Good and Evil, 1907,] . A.) A.) Our relationship with the law is best described by which of the following? Choose the factual statement concerning wages: A fair wage presupposes a fair work contract. its conclusion must be true, if its premises are. Which of the following accurately reflects the concept of Marxism? 5. the rights of future generations are contingent upon those people coming into existence. differs from nonconsequentialism because nonconsequentialism denies that consequences have any moral significance. actions that are wrong even though they produce some good. D.) liberties, For the first time since the Industrial Revolution, less than _____ percent of the American workforce was employed by manufacturing. The most common reason that people leave their jobs is, a poor relationship with their immediate supervisor. capitalism no longer exploits workers. Explain the importance of each term, person, or place: Napoleon III; Suez Canal; provisional; premier; coalition; Dreyfus affair; libel; Zionism. minimize nepotism. 6. the moral instructions of the world's great religions are often general and imprecise. In particular, suppose it rises permanently from L\bar{L}L to L\bar{L}^{\prime}L. A.) The result of the survey is that 70 of the 200 students responded "yes,". By definition, whistle-blowing can only be done by a past or present member of the organization. Which of the following statements is true regarding human rights? To a significant extent, law codifies a society's customs, norms, and moral values. A.) A.) positive and negative eliminating poverty. "Etiquette" designates a special realm of morality. The key moral ideal in promotions is. C.) intelligence. governments wanted it. B.) C.) monopolies control almost all areas of economic life. They key moral ideal in promotions is. C.) an action that leads to unhappiness is morally right if any other action that you could have performed instead would have brought about even more unhappiness. One of the chief concerns of nepotism is the disregard of managerial responsibilities to the organization and of fairness to other employees. D.) too many limits, One of the three important "limits to what the law can do" discussed by Christopher Stone is What differences in subject matter and tone do you notice? B.) Which statement is true from an ethical perspective? If you cannot answer a question, read the related section again. A.) People who are exclusively concerned with their own interests tend to have happier and more satisfying lives than those whose desires extend beyond themselves. B.) One of the chief concerns of nepotism is the disregard of managerial responsibilities to the organization and of fairness to other employees. As a result of it, the courts a. permitted consumers to sue manufacturers with whom they had no contractual relationships. companies are not the kind of things that are properly objects of loyalty. When employees at all occupational levels are asked to rank what is important to them, the order that they put them in is: interesting work; sufficient help, support, and information to accomplish the job; enough authority to carry out the work; and good pay. occur when employees' have special or private interests that are substantial enough to interfere with their job duties. corporate and private. False, During the Industrial Revolution, the Luddites blamed the rise of new technologies for the loss of their jobs and wanted to destroy it. Since Congress passed the Americans with Disabilities Act in 1994. employers must make "reasonable accommodations" for disabled workers. Prudential reasons are reasons that refer to the interests of others and the demands of morality. A basic tenet of capitalism is that According to Jeremy Bentham, the question is not whether animals can feel pain, but whether they can talk and reason. D.) states that the moral rightness of an action is determined solely by its results, Utilitarians believe that Financial capitalism developed in the period immediately prior to the Renaissance. the reasonable consumer standard. A.) D.) Kantianism. If an argument is valid, then Conflicts of interest may exist when employees have financial investments. The law makes all immoral conduct illegal. A.) Karl Marx believed that Geplaatst op 3 juli 2022 door Employees have a legal right to refuse to work when it exposes them to imminent danger. can be almost any information not generally known if it is valuable to its possessor and treated confidentially. C.) For the hedonistic utilitarian, knowledge, friendship, and aesthetic satisfaction are inherently good. B.) B.) C.) if corporations are moral agents, then this relieves individual human beings of any moral responsibility. Professional codes of ethics provide a complete and reliable guide to one's moral obligations. C.) they must be publicly registered or in some way officially acknowledged by the law. B.) I like it easy, In contrast to traditional manufacturers, many companies have become hollow corporations who sternness. fairness. What is the most plausible argument . The use of one's official position for what always raises moral concerns and questions? rights are certain moral rules, the observance of which is of the utmost importance for the long-run, overall maximization of happiness. rubber stamp the policies and recommendations of the management. Courts at all levels and in all states now agree that employees cannot be dismissed without just cause. destroy the competition. Ethics means a set of moral principles which govern a person's behavior or how the activity is conducted. It boosts the morale of promoted employees, increases their productivity and hence improves upon the overall profits earned by the . cars What combination of flowers should the shop purchase each day? actions that we are morally required to do, all things considered. C.) rights are those rules that a majority of the society would agree to behind the "veil of ignorance." French and Indian War, One of the three important "limits to what the law can do" discussed by Christopher Stone is The Promotion Marketing Association makes compliance with local, state and federal laws the first item in its code of ethics. people should not attempt to coerce others, The example of Huckleberry Finn shows power of choice. Which statement is accurate in its description of consumer protection? True property refers only to physical objects. B.) C.) Bentham was concerned with the quantity of pleasure that an action produces, not with distinctions based on the type of the pleasure. 3-What is the community wage level. True modern corporations no longer utilize a CID structure, Momentum for the corporate organization of business really gained momentum after which war? Our relationship with the law is best described by which of the following? Social Learning Theory requires ___________ in order for learning to take place. when union members and their supporters refuse to buy products from a company being struck. Utilitarians believe that we can't compare one person's happiness with that of another. there is an imbalance of knowledge between buyer and seller. False, Due process requires specific and systematic means for workers to appeal discharge or disciplinary decisions. B.) Companies have a right to prevent employees in technical fields from quitting and working for another company. B.) Moral Foundations Theory was created by a group of social and cultural psychologists (see us here) to understand why morality varies so much across cultures yet still shows so many similarities and recurrent themes.In brief, the theory proposes that several innate and universally available psychological systems are the foundations of "intuitive ethics." Eminent domain is the ancient right of government to take what from an individual? morality is relative to the goal of promoting human well-being. A.) D.) If wages conform with the law, they are fair wages. \end{array} When choosing among possible actions, utilitarianism requires us to disregard our own happiness. False, Implicit in capitalism is the view that human beings aim to maximize their economic self-interest. A fact about job satisfaction is. The puppy scared itself by watching its shadow. From John Stuart Mill's viewpoint, b. adopted the principle of caveat emptor. A.) Mazkur to'plamda ilm-fan sohasida adolatli jamiyat konsepsiyasi, milliy ta'lim tizimida Barqaror rivojlanish maqsadlarining tatbiqi, tilshunoslik, adabiyotshunoslik, madaniyatlararo muloqot uyg'unligi, nazariy-amaliy tarjima muammolari hamda zamonaviy axborot muhitida mediata'lim masalalari doirasida olib borilayotgan tadqiqotlar ifodalangan.Tezislar to'plami keng kitobxonlar . Feudal society. Johnson emphasizes that acting morally often requires more than just strength of character. C.) Americans typically value things like their children's education and a satisfactory love life more than work. makes it illegal for executives to retaliate against employees who report possible violations of federal law. The law is a completely adequate guide to the moral standards that we should follow. Promotions that highlight the phrase "half off," when the business actually means "buy one-get one half off," stay within . C.) Utilitarian's oppose capitalism in principle. Which of the following considerations about utilitarism is correct? Eric Hinderaker, James A. Henretta, Rebecca Edwards, Robert O. Self, The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses, System Analysis and Design in a Changing Worl. Violating the law is always immoral. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) was established over seventy-five years ago to protect consumers against deceptive advertising. True A.) the key moral ideal in promotions is quizlet Posted by October 30, 2021 icloud storage not updating after deleting on the key moral ideal in promotions is quizlet True Posted by June 11, 2022 cabarrus county sheriff arrests on the key moral ideal in promotions is quizlet June 11, 2022 cabarrus county sheriff arrests on the key moral ideal in promotions is quizlet People who are exclusively concerned with their own interests tend to have happier and more satisfying lives than those whose desires extend beyond themselves. testimonials of other customers. "quid pro quo" and "hostile work environment", Employers have the right to fire an employee who performs inadequately, but the should do so, As they try and fir into work dominated by white men, women, and minorities can be disadvantaged by, Prejudice attitudes, stereotypes, and false preconceptions, Believe women and men should be paid on the same scale for doing equivalent jobs and different jobs involving equivalent skill, effort, and responsibility, Conflicts of interest may exist when employees have financial investments, in suppliers, customers, or distributors with whom their organizations do business, To be successful any test used by a corporation must be, a lack of job satisfaction can create mental health problems, The most plausible argument AGAINST affirmative action, The Sarbanes Oxley Act marked an important advance for several reasons one of which is that it, makes it illegal for executives to retaliate against employees who report possible violations of federal law, U.S. companies have a history of paying off foreign officials for business favors. a right is an entitlement to act or to have others act in a certain way, Supererogatory actions are Karl Marx believed that C.) Industrial capitalism is characterized by pools, trusts, holding companies and an interpenetration of banking, insurance and industrial interests. The terms "best, finest, and most" are examples of fewer "hollow" corporations. Utilitarians believe that One of these is that C.) the moral compass within each of us. billboards. fairness. Due process requires specific and systematic means for workers to appeal discharge or disciplinary decisions. the argument's premises are true. The superego works to suppress the urges of the id and tries to make the ego behave morally, rather than realistically. tests of a product can safely assume that the product will be used in just the way that the manufacturer intends it to be used. True D.) He believed that reason by itself can reveal the basic principles of morality, A practical basis for discussing moral issues involves taking account of in the 21st century, capitalism no longer requires capital. The thought that laissez-faire is a losing proposition.. Other Quizlet sets. Other Quizlet sets. According to the traditional law of agency, which statement is true? Is the speaker's "toughness" in the second part convincing? d) employers must be careful to "screen" out disabled persons. When religion and morality are considered: a manufacturer need not be negligent to be held liable for a defective product. moral standards take priority over other standards, including self-interest the fact that government now employs more people than manufacturing. Psych 101 Chapter 6. A.) When used properly, personality tests can help screen applicants for jobs by indicating areas of adequacy and inadequacy. We should concern ourselves only with the immediate results of our actions. C.) ethical relativism. Good moral judgments should be logical and. an invisible hand to promote general good. a reluctance to outsource. Which of the following is one of them? we should treat people as ends in themselves, never merely as means. C.) giddiness. D.) individuals are justified by working for the benefit of the least advantaged. under capitalism workers are alienated in several ways. Compare and contrast the third and fifth excerpts from Addison's essays with Sir Francis Bacon's essay "Of Marriage and Single Life" (page 467). Inbreeding refers to longevity on a job or with a firm. workers are alienated from their products, but not from themselves or other people. B.) OSHA requires safeguards whether or not they are "feasible.". Business ethics is the study of what constitutes right and wrong, or good and bad, human conduct in a business context. Pope Paul VI taught that if you want peace, work for justice. Brainstorm ways to incorporate regular feedback into the life of your office. Federal Drug Administration Agency. c. more than$100. B.) False, Rule utilitarianism applies the utilitarian standard, not to individual actions, but to moral codes as a whole. the paradox of hedonism. C.) discriminatory employment practices due to strict constructionist interpretations of the Constitution D.) Human rights rest on particular roles and special relationships. True C.) clothing D. )We must always support what most people want, i.e., by majority rule. property moral standards are purely optional If they are not true, explain briefly why not. Utilitarians contend that we can determine with certainty what the future consequences of our present actions will be. False, Things that are legal are always ethical. psychological appeals. Americans value work more than Japanese do. Conscience is a perfectly reliable guide for moral behavior. is no longer a key feature of capitalism, One of the four key features of capitalism is False, Egoists only do what they feel like doing. C.) quickness. The key moral ideal in promotions is. utilitarianism doesn't require us to sacrifice as much as we should to help other people. consumers don't want further legal regulation, Which of the following is one of the three arguments in favor of narrow corporate social responsibility discussed in this chapter? A.) A.) social utility is irrelevant to issues of justice. to equalize their relationship with their employers, Fair personnel policies and decisions must be based on criteria that are clear, job related, and, may conflict with an organization's legitimate interests. A moral of Garrett Hardin's parable "The Tragedy of the Commons" is that there can be a difference between the private costs and the social costs of a business activity. B.) Avoiding the prevailing wage in the industry and community wage level. C.) Utilitarianism. cannot have bad motives. B.) B.) A.) As a result of it, the courts, expanded the liability of manufacturers for injuries caused by defective products. C.) the free trade and laissez-faire view of Adam Smith best promote the total social good. Ideal (ethics) An ideal is a principle or value that one actively pursues as a goal, usually in the context of ethics, and one's prioritization of ideals can serve to indicate the extent of one's dedication to each. Revolutionary War C.) similar cases must be treated alike except where there is some relevant difference. Informed consent implies deliberation and free choice. C.) employees. corporations must be "publicly held" and thus traded on the stock market. D.) freedom of speech. states that sometimes the consequences of our actions can be morally relevant. D) fairness. C.) It's illegal to fire workers because of union membership. legal and moral The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses, Byron Almen, Dorothy Payne, Stefan Kostka, Eric Hinderaker, James A. Henretta, Rebecca Edwards, Robert O. Self, PATHOPHYSIOLOGY STUDY FOR COMPREHENSIVE FINAL. False, According to Milton Friedman, business has no social responsibilities other than to maximize profits. 10+ million students use Quizplus to study and prepare for their homework, quizzes and exams through 20m+ questions in 300k quizzes. The jobs of advertising, promotions, and marketing managers can often be stressful, particularly near deadlines. B.) the rise of personnel engineering and professional management, According to common law, to legally terminate an employee, an employer. more money. Granting workers new responsibilities and respect can benefit the entire organization. Groups of eighteenth century skilled artisans formed secret societies for two basic reasons. Sexual comments that one woman appreciates might distress another woman. Each line, when completed, should have three words similar in meaning. As you create a strategy geared toward those goals, remember the following tips. a fair wage is whatever an employee is willing to accept It is the quest to understand and live a life of moral character. Virtue ethics is a philosophy developed by Aristotle and other ancient Greeks. They are asked if they use a laptop in class to take notes. Economic and Business Statistics week 11+, John Lund, Paul S. Vickery, P. Scott Corbett, Todd Pfannestiel, Volker Janssen, Byron Almen, Dorothy Payne, Stefan Kostka. kevin anderson obituary. D.) the economy will create new jobs. About us. 48 terms. The key moral ideal in promotions is. Underline each reflexive pronoun and circle each intensive pronoun. The Sarbanes Oxley Act marked an important advance for several reasons, one of which is that it. The idea that incorporation is a gift from the state. Any equitable solution to the problem of who should pay the bill for environmental cleanup should take into account responsibility as well as benefit. B.) A.) D.) outsource and likely produce only the package and the label . 16. C.) write the policies and procedures. Choose the factual precept concerning wages: a fair wage presupposes a fair work contract, Traditionally, the obligations between a business organization and its employees could be boiled down to "A fair wage for an honest day's work.". C.) the division of labor, though good for the firm, reduces overall efficiency. D.) compassion, intellect, and patience. Principled living, According to libertarianism, an invisible hand to promote general good. based on facts and acceptable moral principles. C.) freedom of speech. government subsidies and protective tariffs. we shouldn't rely uncritically on what our conscience says. 10 Question and answer. A.) based on facts and acceptable moral principles. B.) B.) Which of the following is one of them? A.) Selected Answer : the rise of personnel engineering and professional management Correct Answer : the rise of personnel engineering and professional management. C.) effects, ideals, and obligations. True 1. false. False, Manuel Velasquez claims that the corporate internal decision structure of a corporation shows that a corporation can have both intentions and intentionality. knowledge, friendship, and aesthetic satisfaction are intrinsically valuable (or inherently good). Rather than strong work ethic, a more commonly seen role is: About Quizlet; How Quizlet works; Careers; Advertise with us; Primary social goods include danielle ftv nude B.) 20 terms. D.) laws are passed before there is any real problem to worry about. D.) happiness. D.) leisure time activities, To the libertarians, their concept of liberty includes a commitment to Only if the overall benefit to society is positive should business act. B.) there is already sufficiently equal distribution of income. One of the chief concerns of nepotism is the disregard of managerial responsibilities to the organization and of fairness to other employees. D.) likeability. irrational behavior. Question 1 2 out of 2 points The key moral ideal in promotions is Selected Answer: fairne ss. it values moral purity. Using the story earlier, answer the questions below: (a) What external conflicts does Sobel face? Our love for all our sisters and brothers demands that we promote peace in a world surrounded by violence and conflict. Legal. visible-hand B.) prefer their own production base and not a network of small operators both foreign and domestic. one should always obey one's conscience. A.) a sound argument may have a false premise. RosesLiliesPansiesOrchidsNPVperBunch$29620CostperBunch$15243184Max. is used to refer to the vastness of reach, immediacy, and availability to individuals for interactivity in online communication. C.) globalized capitalism. A.) B.) He defended a consequentialist theory of right and wrong. contradicting. make nearly all crucial parts. its own ideal of competition is
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