As a vampire, Stefan was described as mysterious, brooding, inscrutable, intense, kind, caring, empathetic, compassionate, loving, affectionate, heroic, noble, selfless, brave, intelligent, protective, and loyal. Later, Stefan is talking with Caroline in the phone because he tries to help his brother to fix his relationship with the Elena, and asks Caroline a favor to help him, initially she refuses but then Caroline feels guilty about sleeping with Klaus and for this reason she agrees to help Stefan with Damon and Elena relationship. In I'll Remember, Elena reveals that after four months, Stefan left everything behind to find a witch that can contact the dead, however the lead came up empty and he has now moved on and is now living in Savannah, Georgia, works as a mechanic and also has a new girlfriend named Ivy. When Katherine is absent for a while he meets Caroline and tells her about his concerns about Damon and reveals that he doesn't want Elena to give up on Damon, because he is afraid that they might loose him without her help. With the cure in hand, Enzo leaves, while Stefan moves to sit in the chair, Stefan agrees to helping the Travelers and Caroline see a blade in Sloan's hand and tells her that she said that her weren't going to hurt him, but Sloan say that they need his blood for the spell. After Katherine's "death", Damon swore to make Stefan's life miserable and ultimately succeeded in 1912 by making him lose control of himself fifty years later. Damon leaves, and Elena admits that although she was able to feed successfully, she hated the experience and how it made her feel. He also wears a large, silver lapis lazuli daylight ring on the middle finger of his right hand in order for him to walk around in the sunlight. He then chants a spell making himself disappear. Klaus says that he will share these secrets with Stefan if he does Klaus a favor: he wants Stefan to persuade Rebekah to come to the house. Damon agrees but as he hangs up the phone he turns around and sees Bonnie. Julian ask what's the problem and Stefan tells to him that he are not going to see Maria again. Klaus threatens to kill everyone Stefan has ever met, and Stefan says that if he does that, he will never see his family again. All of Stefan's girlfriends who were main or recurring characters on the show were administered vampire blood to heal them. At this moment a balloon cracks and Stefan looks around scared but Rebekah then reveals she has the dagger with her in case Kol comes. Damon assures him he's back. Stefan finally confesses that he's been working with Klaus because Connor's tattoo is the key to finding a cure for vampirism. Stefan ask to her that she have the antidote to the ripper virus, and she answer that yes thanks to Enzo. Stefan peruses the boxes while Damon fields a call from the sheriff, who informs him that Connor's remains were not found at the site of the explosion. She knows he has a plan, and warns him that Klaus is smart and will figure it out. He attended Harvard during the 1970's. He then tells Klaus, "And neither can you. After that he managed to avoid her for years until she came back home to wish Stefan happy birthday and then all of the guilt and emotions came back rushing through him so that's why he killed her. At the boarder, Stefan puts barriers across the road, stopping people from getting in. They are both sad, but Elena expresses that Stefan came into her life at a time when she needed someone and she fell for him instantly. He says she's stood by him through his the multiple rehabs, the jail time, the bullfighting injury. Pretend Sarah is really Monique. In The World Has Turned and Left Me Here, Stefan gets a call from Tripp, who updates Stefan on his torture of Enzo. Stefan Salvatore is the main male protagonist in The Vampire Diaries. He then told Stefan that he had tricked Stefan and had put vervain in his drink after Stefan had asked his father how he knew about Katherine and other vampires existing because "he did not raise his sons to be so weak. Alaric bursts in with the ascendant and Damon compels him to forget it ever happened. She confesses she killed his boss, Dean, after she woke up when he was burying her in the woods. By telling her the names, he can control himself. The news of the accident is on and is says that Marty is an alcoholic. At the end of the episode, Katherine decides to commit suicide to end her misery by jumping off the bell tower. He was thinking about killing Damon. In Woke Up With a Monster, Stefan wakes to find the mansion in a strange state. In the 1864 flashbacks, Stefan was often seen wearing long pants, overalls made of denim with suspenders with a shirt underneath, dress shirts (often white in color), dress coats, vests (of various colors), trousers (normally in beige), waistcoats, and cravats with laced-leather boots (often beige in color). Flashback again and Stefan is taking Valerie to Lily's grave. Connor shoots Jeremy before Elena tackles him. After much heartbreak, between Caroline losing her mom and Stefan trying to prove himself worthy of their friendship, which blossomed into romance, they become romantically involved and are currently in love. The next morning after their passionate affair, Stefan awoke with a bloody wound on his neck, and the previous night slowly returned to him. While searching for clues, Alaric finds pictures of Jo when she was younger, and in one of those pictures, Damon recognizes one of the people she was with as Kai. Stefan convinces a shocked Elena that she needs to stay behind, promises he'll get Jeremy and the others out alive, kisses her and leaves. Stefan says that Elena is ruthless without her humanity and the cure is the fastest way to get her back. She tells him she is very sorry. He would travel into town to buy tea and flowers, telling himself it was for her, but it was truly his way to avoid her. Nora starts to use magic but Caroline claps her hand over Nora's mouth, burning her. Klaus convinces Stefan that he needs to help him dagger Kol because then Damon will be free, Jeremy will live and they'll be able to find the cure. Damon decides that it's time to play "never have I ever", Elena does not agree but Caroline is enthusiastic about the idea and they begin to play. Katherine arrives and offers to come with him and then she leaves to pack her things, leaving Stefan alone with Caroline. He and Elena arrived just in time to stop Damon from killing Caroline. They take a ride on Stefan's motorcycle on a deserted country road; Elena stands up on the bike and laughs, reveling in the sensation, and Stefan smiles. Stefan then goes and helps Caroline pack up her house and then goes and packs up the grill. Caroline says it was a Valerie-sized day full of surprises. Stefan watches the exchange with concern. He sees that it is Klaus and is greeted by him. Stefan says, aloud, "Goodbye, Katherine" and Elena walks in and asks if she's gone. Stefan finally lets go of his anger and comforts her before he asks her to go somewhere with him. Stefan, with a few choice comments from Damon, tells Elena that she was in an accident, that Meredith Fell had healed her with vampire blood the other night and that she had died with vampire blood in her system. Stefan does so, and Klaus is pleased. When Stefan arrives at the church for the memorial service, he sees Elena walking away from Damon, who is putting a blood bag into a satchel. He hangs up the phone and in that moment Elena comes and finds him. Klaus wasn't affected by the daggers, so he killed all the hunters and found out why Rebekah trusted Alexander: the hunter had told there was a cure for vampirism. I want to rip into your skin, and then I want to feed on your blood. Gender Stefan says that it's not that easy anymore but Damon says that right now it is and that he needs to go down the well. He shakes hands with Damon, only to make Stefan and Alaric disappear from the house, also making then unable to see the house anymore. Stefan adds that Caroline shouldn't hesitate and snap Elena's neck the moment she sees her. Welcome to the suburban nightmare. He then confessed to Stefan that he was the one who had shot and killed both him and Damon, shocking Stefan. Pilot (TVD)A Streetcar Named Desire (TO) I love her. Stefan is hurt and angrily walks away from Damon. Valerie promised to meet him Friday at noon so they could run away together. Stefan rushes over and manages to push him off of her. He then asks her if she knows anything about the missing blood bags from the hospital but Elena says that right now she's sick of blood bags and she prefers something a little warmer. Damon offers help and Stefan pushes him away as he says "I don't need your help." Gunshot Wound/Loss of Blood (as a human)Heart Extraction (as a vampire)Stabbed by The Phoenix Sword (2nd and 3rd time, as a vampire)Incinerated by Hellfire (2nd time, as a human) Damon arrives telling that Elena just told to him the truth. As Katherine see that her daughter is gone for good, she tries to escape but Damon stops her. He asks if Jeremy is interested in making Elena human again and he agrees, following Stefan deeper into the cellar to reveal the fugitive who is tied up and in transition. Stefan hops on his bike, only for it to fall to pieces. Sloan says they need to go deeper and Caroline says he's seeing old memories but then Sloan starts the spell again, despite Caroline's concerns, Sloan goes back into Stefan's head to get more information Caroline stays on the phone and tries to help him, Enzo listens with interest. The Vampire Diaries: 8 Facts About Stefan Many Fans Don't - ScreenRant Stefan mentions that he would have given anything to have spent one more day with her before her death. Later Stefan and Damon are with Bonnie and Matt and she explained that Silas was appearing as Jeremy, Stefan says that's what Silas does and not to let him get to her and Damon says that because that she's all crazy and brainwashed and Stefan then suggests that one of them should take Bonnie home and Damon says its safer for her in public and Silas can't make everyone see the same thing and Matt asks how to look out for someone who can appear as anyone, later Stefan is talking to Damon outside and asks him if he's looking for Silas or waxing nostalgic about misspent youth Damon asks Stefan about what happened to him being over Elena, Stefan asks him what does he mean Damon says for a guy ready to move on he seems convincing as boyfriend on the dance floor, Stefan says that what they are doing reminding Elena of what she's lost Damon asks like her feelings for him Stefan says maybe and then he provokes Damon that he and Elena have history and he only has a one night stand that was probably result of the sire bond, it's revealed that Silas was posing as Stefan and attacks Damon, Damon asks him where Stefan is and Silas says that he's in the woods where he convinced him that he was him and that he's probably in a bit of pain too and tells him Bonnie belongs to him and to stay away from her, later Damon finds Stefan staked and jokes by saying an extremely handsome man came up to him claiming to be him and Stefan says "yeah". Stefan finds the place where all the herbs are supposed to be but they have all been dug up. Stefan was his father Giuseppe's favorite son. Stefan tells Klaus about the Heretics, the siphoning twins and Caroline giving birth to the them. He then told Elena about Samantha Gilbert and says if the same thing is happening to Alaric then there is nothing she can do about it. He had a moment of weakness, that is his thing-like them falling for the same girl-that was their thing. They're completely out of the loop that their friends flipped the vamp switch. While a ripper again, he attempted to murder Elena in her coffin, ripping out Enzo's heart, killing him as he was in his way. Unlike other vampires, Stefan had also shown the ability to enhance his use of dream manipulation. It is a retelling of Stefan's history before and after he transformed from a wealthy, well adjusted youth to a vicious immortal. She asks him if he feels bad for Katherine's death, but he says that he is fine with it. Damon says that he hasn't found her yet but he can't just show up without Bonnie. She has shut it all off, including her feelings for him. While she's talking to him she's constantly looking at her phone. In that moment they are interrupted by Nadia, Katherine's daughter who seeks help to carry out a plan and save her mother, Damon tells her that no one will help, but she threatens them with Matt's life, so Stefan and Elena are the volunteers. Later on, Klaus tells Stefan he is still waiting for his "old friend to come back," after Stefan notes that Klaus won't kill him. Stefan however says that it's neither of them. It was during that time when Stefan and Katherine were making love that Katherine revealed her true identity to Stefan and that she was a vampire. He explains to her that even if killing Enzo won't bring Ivy back, he thinks it'll help him get over Damon and he will be able to leave Mystic Falls. Was it over? Bonnie says that she knows how to bring Jeremy back-she has to complete the third massacre for Silas so that she could drop the veil between this side and the other side. He left Ivy's daylight ring at Caroline's dorm. When Klaus tells him to let bygones be bygones, and that an eternity of bad feelings gets old, Stefan counters saying that revenge never gets old, and reveals that he stole the coffins that hold Klaus' family. Inside the dorms, Stefan hurls a Molotov cocktail at Caroline and rushes at her with a stake. Stefan talks to Elena, who that thinks they should do something, but he tells her that Damon is stalling Vaughn as Damon has not had enough time to bury Silas' body yet. Later, the brothers are in the cellar and Stefan is shown to have bled Damon out because he didn't have vervain and needed to find a way to weaken him. Stefan goes to where all Klaus' family members coffins are held, and almost opens one before Rebekah comes in. He's trying to explain that Bonnie is trying to complete the expression triangle and when he does Aja brings out a knife and says that Bonnie has to die and she can't be saved. Stefan catches ball and wins everyone over. That's probably why she stole the cure-she wants to bargain it for her freedom. He even bribes her by offering her a clean slate, saying that while he is not necessarily willing to forgive Rebekah for what she did to Elena, he is willing to put his anger towards her aside and start over. Stefan ignores her warning and goes straight to saying what he should have said at her mom's funeral in hopes that it'll will her to turn her humanity back on. She starts to choke Damon with magic but Stefan appears behind her and she stops. Lexi returns to Mystic Falls for Stefan's 162nd birthday, trying to renew her relationship with Stefan. Stefan's name means "crowned" or "crown of martyrdom". One day In 1864, Stefan was fixing a broken carriage when a man who was riding a carriage carrying Katherine Pierce and Emily Bennett had stopped to talk to him. Later that night, Tyler and Brady wanted to retrieve the Petrova Doppelgnger, Elena. Otherwise, I don't need to know, I don't want to know.". After that they both go inside where Elena is standing with a lightened match, ready to burn down the house. They figure that there must be a third team in the race for the cure. When they find Damon trapped in the house, Damon tries to scare him off but Stefan says that he is not afraid of him. Nik is there because he needs a dagger in order to put Kol down, but Rebekah refuses to give her last one to him as she doesn't want to leave herself unprotected. Stefan runs over to Damon and starts to help him up, but decides to punch him instead. Stefan asks what is his point and Damon says that his point is that he's sorry. Neither CPR nor the paddles bring her back. Later both Stefan and Damon help Jeremy who is being attack by students, Stefan then realizes that it was a distraction. They grow distance after Elena's transition, and later break up, due to Elena's heightened feelings for Damon. When they are in school remembering the first time they met, a student is bleeding and passes near Stefan. Elena is saddened and says that she doesn't have anyone anymore. He wanted it to be her and Damon. Zach refers to him as "Uncle Stefan", even though Stefan looks significantly much younger. When Damon does get out, he breaks Stefan's arm and then his neck, thinking it's still a hallucination. In Mystic Falls, Caroline sits upon a bench dedicated to her mom while writing. Stefan was furious that Katherine would do this to her, and was in agreement with Damon that Caroline should die (because of what happened to Vicki Donovan). 1: What Damon does isn't Stefan's fault, it's Damon's. He drank her blood and almost killed her but was stopped by Bonnie when she cast a spell on him.
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