How can I not be with her as my mother and my skin problems and the scarring it has done to me? Pluto in Libra individuals will try their best to not let chaos happen (rebirth) its like they refuse change. You could put an Aquarius placement with 100 people who are very different and theyd still feel as if they dont fit in. People with Pholus asteroid (#5145) very prominent in their chart tend to be self destructive / changing. Someone with a Libra rising in the ascendant persona chart may be seen as conventionally attractive & charming & very aesthetic. Mercury in 12th individuals struggle to be heard and people tend to ignore them and what they have to say quite often. for the longest time has been way too hard way too frequently for me to come by and keep even though Im conscientious and have great work principles. What would that mean for the Asc/North Node person? Im not saying Uranus / Aquarius dominants have bad luck but things are very unexpected in their life with them. People with Saturn in Virgo are very picky and are prone to not liking what they do often, they feel as if they have to be better. Its definitely a five star consultation for me. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. It would generally give more feminine traits. Earth Mars (Mars in 2nd house, Mars in 6th, Mars in 10th) you are very much a peace- maker and you know how to deal with things in a mature manner and are often a good example to others. WhatsApp: +91 9051357099 (not for a free consultation). virgo risings look like fairies too but like garden fairies.. they look so youthful! But when it comes to yourself youre very critical and obsess over things that have a very small influence, you start to think if that is your reflection towards the world. Venus - Ascendant aspects are trendsetters especially in a Fashion sense, theyre very good at putting stuff together and attract a lot of people who do what they do because it simply looks so well. I've been very observant and insightful since my childhood. Western astrology had its origins in ancient Mesopotamia, and spread throughout Egypt, Greece, the Roman Empire, and the Islamic world. Aquarius / 11th house placements / Uranus Dominance are such original and intelligent people and are very misunderstood. They know so much more than they let off. Moon- Neptune & Moon in 4th, Moon in 8th, Moon in 12th these individuals are super forgiving, perhaps to a fault, and they attract people who try to take advantage of them, those people however dont realize that these natives have very good intuition almost psychic like, they are not too confrontational but trust me they know, they can see your bull-shit. NN 27.0 Cancer This is because only some people can handle Aries energy!. Whatever sign is your Midheaven represents what body part you could be known for. have a very beautiful physical beauty to them. For example, if you have a Virgo moon in the II House, your intuition will be heightened during Virgo season and Taurus season (Taurus is the natural ruler of the II House). Moon likes being in Cancer hence it is very dominant. The charts are not ones fault and they will play out. What do people usually forget to look at for rare findings in the birth chart? Because of this there is rumors around their reputation people who wanna try to bring them down, yet it doesnt work.. they have this powerful aura. If you have an aquarius chiron Im gonna assume you have never found friends that let you be weird. always amaze me. Hillarysss 2021 all rights reserved , :**: I havent been able to post much lately because Ive fallen ill. a lot of aries risings had freckles? This work belongs to me and me only, I dont wanna see this posted anywhere else. This may surprise people but a lot of Scorpio Venuses do not like jealousy and possessiveness being projected to them in relationships, I believe this is because at their worse Scorpio Venuses can manifest this themselves and they do not need that influence in relationships. 15) Rahu-Moon in any house in water sign can give poverty and richness all in one life. Leo midheavens & Midheaven in 5th career life may be to put their creative abilities out there. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Pluto in 1st individuals tend to get accused of bad vibes a lot when its really just their intense energy. As with a lot of the squares to Uranus, it. However, you tend to let things pile up until you have had enough and become very stubborn into what you think is right. At worse could indicate lies around the home & twisted information. When asked what our "sign" is, most of us respond with our sun sign. Ive noticed they may have hard time expressing what they truly mean. The Ten Worst Astrological Placements This is my opinion based on doing charts and picking people's brains which is one of my hobbies. Also this is why a lot of you guys tend to cringe at this easily. Example someone having a Sagittarius mars in a libra degree may be a little more shy and less confrontational way they may think through it more. If you have capricorn placements (especially capricorn moon) or/and virgo placements Im just gonna assume you expect the worst case sceneraio 24/7. You have to see if they are REALLY in the 12th. Neptune in 3rd / Pisces in 3rd is a psychic placement! Is that bad? They have Virgo in 12th (their subconscious) They pick out flaws in themselves and struggle to see their worthy Venusian traits. Only true spiritual measures will work, in my opinion. 39) Mercury with Moon or Mars in any house gives very clever and innovative minds and positive outcomes from their effort. 3) Sun-Jupiter conjunction or aspect on each other or placed in each other Nakshatra or sign will make you a very popular Astrologer. Libra + Pisces placements in a chart makes someone really into aesthetics and most likely into Anime too. this will not generalize with everyone if it doesnt generalize with you dont be offended this is knowledge i have stored in my pea brain. They may be known for their internet / media presence as well. DogGang--would Saturn conjunct ASC be unique? This work belongs to me and me only, I dont wanna see this posted anywhere else. Mercuries in 8th are very good at picking up information they can be in everyones business by accident like they just know things. But for real yall are the most intense yet passionate lovers . If the same individual has Saturn Rx, would it be likely the energy from this would be directed inward? Some other placements can be harder, but it's a rare Venus that ever acts malefically. It was all over my back from the time I was 14 and all over my face from 18 on. Mercury in 1st people have this effect on being whoever you want them to be. So, Before someone says I have no fill in the blank this element in my chart, I always tell them to look at the houses. Taurus risings, yall look rich. Scorpio moons (Moons in 8th) tend to be very direct & straight-forward individuals. Also why are so gemini moons interested in astrology?? Add Juipiter tightly conjunction Descendant, I think these people can be really optimistic about others And let down easily. Probably also related to the above aspect, as well as Pisces Ascendant. Ultimate Bulletin Board 5.46a. Are there bad placements? - by Kiki O'Keeffe Mercury Id bet with moon in Virgo.but not sure. Someone with a Leo rising with a Cancer sun will have a dreamy appearance with sparkly eyes. Is it the worst thing possible? Your midheaven is also known as the X House cusp ruler, which shows us our public image, career, and legacy. (Check other placements). Pisces placements may find it hard not to fall asleep in any comfortable dreamy place. Capricorn moons tend to have painful periods but check the rest of the chart. Venus- Pluto are very good with people they will analyze everything you like to make you be obsessed with them. Fire placements tend to get a boost of energy and motivation out of nowhere especially Aries placements. With Neptune sitting exactly next to your midheaven, this is a strong indication that you are meant to pursue a career hand-in-hand with your sixth sense. Omens of Witchhood in the Natal Astrology Chart - WITCH Virgo placements may love candles / plants or really nice nature / grounded things around them. YES, Jupiter in cancer is a wonderful place for Jupiter. Mine is between Pluto (4th HR), Neptune (7th/8th HR) and MC at point. Having gemini placements especially the moon tells me you overthink everything and get addicted to everything but you hate routine because your brain gets addicted to anything they find stimulating. scorpio moons are so stubborn for no reason, ketu in eight likes to serve in army. If they are within 10 degrees, they are first house so they are not 12th house. Let me know and we will go from there, Friend. This would be my top worst placement. This is also true for the other elements and houses. True but the void still remains and functions. The Ten Worst Astrological Placements - My Christian Psychic By studying the placements and aspects in our natal charts, we can decode our personal strengths, weaknesses, and reappearing themes in our lives. Sun - Moon find it hard to hide their sadness unless other placements indicate otherwise their emotions shine right through. you are very much a peace- maker and you know how to deal with things in a mature manner and are often a good example to others. And your moon sign represents how you . Just hit them up whenever, theyre like a best friend to everyone. Mercury can play a role in how we receive messages from our intuition. Moon in 4th= Nostalgic aura, maybe an area around the house is filled with memories and nostalgic pictures perhaps there mother. (Venus in 2nd & Venus in 5th), Aquarius Venuses only ghost when you are being too clingy and putting labels too fast, these people need to know who you really are and do not like rushing into things, be their best friend first. The Meaning of a Planet in its own Sign or a Planet in its own House If it is within 3 degrees, I would count it. The planetary configuration occurs in the sidereal zodiac used by Vedic astrologers and represents an outstandingly good time for souls to take a human birth! Posts: 2665From: Pandora's Box TechRegistered: Mar 2015. These people are incredibly understanding of things maybe even to a fault. All of mine I think are within 10 moon is 29, Venus 6, Saturn 5 and ascendant 8 so does that mean I have no planets in the 12th or they just affect my 1st house? Or at least itll tell you how you want to be seen. You know how to say the right things at the right time and your imagination and knowledge is never-ending, but lets work on that fact that you guys over-think everything, start building your confidence because that amount of intellect you guys hold is super admirable. Venus- Lilith Individuals tend to like darker aesthetics / grunge. 2. one house with stellium. But Scorpio appears to be well within an average waiting range.
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