he admitted that he started becoming more active and started working out in his 30s. they could unexplainably feel connected to children this lifetime. because of this, these individuals may be naturally gifted with lots of knowledge on things and effortlessly understanding things, they may just know things without an explanation. they also show others that you need to defend yourself and step into your power, you cant let people walk all over you. also SOUTHNODE IN 6TH HOUSE most likely rescued/healed animals in their childhood. something like that. or because of your personality (the cheerful and the grumpy, the very sociable extroverted one and the antisocial one, etc). It shows what your intuition is like (not the accuracy but more so how it appears). the 5th house also deals with inner child so these individuals may have experienced similar childhood as they did in their past life or have a similar inner child. when it comes to past life, these people were most likely artists or athletes. for good and for bad. they find the most unexpected things attractive in people istg. LILITH IN 3RD HOUSE individuals usually get their words sexualised or taken too seriously by other people. Having moon and Mercury 5H can indicate higher intelligence in Vedic astrology. Karolina Kriauzaite Astrology Observations Pt. 3 AQUARIUS PLACEMENTS/URANUS DOMS often bicker with older people because theyre too 'old-minded. The Babylonians were among the most influential ancient cultures regarding astrology. How to seek a prediction: Interpret the positions of the moon and planets, relative to constellations made of stars (Sample) Equipment: anything from naked eye observation to specialized software Personnel: Astrologer Astrology, which derives from the Greek word astrologia (), is the study of heavenly bodies in an attempt to explain and understand the mysterious and complex . My site: AstrologyZone.com. they are conservative. those with this placement most likely want to travel to other countries and are fascinated with other cultures and religions, they are the people that listen to music from other countries and arent afraid to move to another country and start a new life there even if their family isnt there. also, GEMINI VENUS really like planes and birds. leo in 8th house = not receiving recognition or attention, children being hurt or mistreated, people not having a childhood. another short and sweet interpretation of this placement is that these people might have a career related to arts and are highly looked up to and are seen as very inspiring people. Analyzing Relationships:Finding Balance is an article that tries to unlock the secrets of astrology and its potential to better understand yourself and the world. (12th= where spirits reside) People with Sun square / mars get their ego degraded easily, it's easy for them to be insecure. because of this, they think that people knowing little about them could protect them and uses their mysteriousness as their weapon. they may naturally just know things with no explanation. 2nd house placements people have their shit trademarked. Mnemosyne had absolute control and divine authority over memories. having aquarius or sagittarius in 1st house or mostly covering 1st house can mean that, whether it be because of your appearance (huge height difference, huge age gap, different ethnicities, etc). SATURN IN 3RD HOUSE can give the individual very crooked teeth, their jaw can be uneven and they can have an overbite/underbite. they most likely were judged for wearing shorter dresses, showing more skin than others, being more sensitive than others in their past life which made them more conservative in this life and afraid of making mistakes and disappointing others. these people may also know a lot of random facts and know definitions for lots of words, these people have good memory. Language Of Birthdays: May 30 - Gemini. Astro Observations . most people with this placement are remembered for their artistic talents as this placement is common among actors and actresses as well as singers. They also believed that events on Earth corresponded to changes in celestial bodies such as stars or planets, including the sun and moon. the sign your VENUS/MARS and maybe EROS is in can tell you about what clothes/accessories/things you find attractive on others and what you like to wear yourself (check degrees and house for other signs influencing your venus/mars/eros). GEMINI MARS/MERCURY or GEMINI in 2ND/3RD/5TH HOUSE actually have many hobbies, they are very talented. mnemosyne here slowly unveils and reveals so these individuals may be confused with why they feel a certain way about something even though they have no relations to it. I have Uranus in 11th house and my intuition comes super fast, even before I even think of a question. the ascendant or descendant in NEPTUNE PERSONA CHART tells you your 'alter ego. Major transitions and life changes are often indicated by a solar return ascendant or Midheaven being in the same sign as the natal ascendant or Midheaven. basically, scorpio shows your weakness and where you fear of being the most vulnerable which is why you want to have full control of that area of your life. Despite its ancient roots, modern astrological readings are still incredibly popular, especially when understanding each signs different characteristics and meanings. they inspire others by showing that you do not have to be afraid of taboos or the dark side of life, by showing that being interested in taboo things does not make you an evil person (because there might be other reasons why youre interested in them or why you are who you are), by showing that it is okay to hurt people that have hurt you. those with this placement carry fears and trauma from their past life so they most likely have the same fears/traumas as they did in their past life. : in 1st house or aspecting your ascendant these people inspire others just for being themselves, for their looks, for their views of life. #greenscreenvideo i love making these LMFAOOO #fyp #scorpio #foryou #foryoupage #viral #horoscopedaily #astrologyobservations #astrologymemes #horoscopememes #jokes #scorpiomemes. my dad has this placement and hes exactly like this, he makes me sit in a corner and does it for me even tho he keeps telling me I should do things myself. in tarot, Uranus is related to The Tower and Ive always said that my intuition is like lightning because it comes fast. they most likely impact peoples lives because of these themes, or vice versa. (5th house composite Saturn can indicate that the two people are bonded by the children they have together) I barely did any homework and I didnt study and my classmates always thought I was too careless and that I wasnt going to make it anywhere. Astrology Observations Pt. AQUARIUS NEPTUNE people are so awkward in front of the camera wth stop with the peace signs and thumbs up (ofc it depends on the house and aspects). Astrology Observations: Unlocking the Secrets of the Stars for a Better Understanding of Yourself and the World offers an insightful look at this age-old practice. Understanding yourself can be difficult, but astrology is a way to better understand your personality, motivations, and relationships. I have taurus mars in 3rd house, I work because of the possibility of learning something new and I only work if I know I will treat myself after the hardwork. this placement doesnt like speaking loudly, they may also have limited vocal range, run out of breath easily and they could find it difficult mimicking or impersonating peoples voices. memory doesnt only mean to remember but also to foresee the future. moon in groom/briede/juno persona chart can tell you about your spouses appearance. Do not copy, plagiarize or reword my posts, thank you! in their past life, these people might have worked so hard and got no recognition so in this lifetime they yearn for recognition. I think its funny how SCORPIO is the 8th sign of the wheel and the number 8 looks like the infinity sign. It is also possible that in their past life, they were a young child and was curious about the world but may have been restricted. People with Mars in 12th could attract aggressive spirits. interestingly, these people could get hints of their past life from themselves like their appearance and body (birthmarks!!). these people may have chosen to not remember anything from their past lives or this is simply their first life. lovveclub. these people carry fears thats deeply buried in their subconscious mind for lifetimes, memories of their past life could also be buried in their subconscious mind so these individuals could get dreams of their past life a lot or even dreams of the future. this explains why mercury is the fastest planet, goes in retrograde the most often and why mercury is associated with communication and travel. similarly to the point above, Ive also noticed that AQUARIUS PLACEMENTS prefer to work behind the scenes instead of being in the spotlight unlike its sister sign, leo. their beauty is hard to forget, the type that stains your mind and never leaves. The world of astrology has a lot to offer when it comes to unlocking the secrets of the stars and discovering a better understanding of yourself and the universe. these people most likely care a lot about their reputation and naturally have leader qualities and may be naturally hardworking, like its in their blood. this placement could also indicate amazing writing skills, their words just stain your mind. LEO MARS IN 6TH HOUSE culture is entirely taking control of something once someone makes a little mistake. this placement/aspect is common in attractive people that may have impacted other peoples lives in a way. they dont let people in. ex: aquarius in 6th house = you may like those games where you serve others or maybe you like nursing games. Ive found that the Scorpio person feels like home to the Gemini person, the Gemini person feels comfortable and can show the dark parts of themselves and stop acting as the 'entertainer when theyre with the Scorpio person. in southnode persona chart can tell you what you remember from your, southnode in 5th house / mnemosyne in 5th house, in groom/briede/juno persona chart can tell you where you may. #astrology-observations on Tumblr In fact, many civilizations believed that celestial objects like the sun and moon had a direct connection to their daily lives. It can also tell you your extra talents and where you feel quite lucky. Copyrights sunball 2021 All rights reserved. It also sextiles her saturn. venus can become highly malefic in 6h/8h, especially if in the sign aries, sagittarius, leo, cancer, and virgo. they may even attract the same partners from their past life (soulmates). people with this placement encourage others to help understand people and observe people because theres more beneath the surface and you shouldnt just label someone as bad or evil just because they are a certain way. For thousands of years, astrology has been an integral part of many cultures and a way to make sense of the world and oneself. : (scorpio) mars aspecting ascendant your spouse could have aries or scorpio (rulers of mars) as their ascendant or they could have mars in 1st house. please do not reword, copy, repost without asking. ex: bonus in 11th house can mean you feel like you always have friends and you make friends easily. wherever SAGITTARIUS is in your chart, it tells you what you find funny and what makes you laugh. Required fields are marked *. 6,467 notes. Astrology Observations (part 2) -scorpio moons might indicate an idividual's mother who is hard to handle/emotionally unstable/manipulative/overdramatic -having many planets in the 12th house especially pluto can indicate attracting abusers ALSO, ID LIKE TO SAY THANK YOU TO MY TEST SUBJECTS FOR HELPING ME MAKE THESE OBSERVATIONS <3. I've noticed they tend to grab onto other people when excited, love to give high fives, and will hold hands with their friends. people I know with this placement literally improve their skills so insanely fast without barely any practice because its their life purpose like wtf?? its also interesting that a lot of gemini moons and SCORPIO MOONS get along very well (Scorpio is associated with Hades, the god of the underworld). Astrology Observations: Unlocking the Secrets of the Stars for a Better either they died or nearly killed someone or something else. the malefic signs (mars and saturn) of each element are considered the tops which are ARIES, SCORPIO, AQUARIUS, CAPRICORN. named after the Greek goddess of memory and inspiration (and also music, poetry and the arts, storytelling, languages). they could like to wear necklaces that say quite problematic things, or necklaces with charms of something nerdy like charms related to science or technology (brain, aliens, planets, flasks, etc). If the signs arent compatible, maybe the houses are. This time it's all about things I've observed about certain planets etc. The article details how understanding astrology can help you know yourself better by examining the planets about yourself. Astrology Observations (Based on my *personal* experiences) This post is inspired by @zeldasnotes post about her personal experiences with certain placements etc.. By studying the movements of the night sky, they believed they could uncover secrets about themselves and their destiny. this post was 100% inspired by @mystiicwinter because her aesthetic is amazing. She seeks to unlock the secrets of the stars, which allows us to better understand our lives and the world around us. The effect is reinforced when it's Mars. this could also apply to gemini saturn and saturn aspecting mercury and saturn in taurus or 2nd house (especially the throat restriction part). loving (432971) in 12th house in groom/briede/juno persona chart can mean having a. the term Mnemosyne is derived from the same source as the word mnemonic, that being the Greek word mnm, which means remembrance, memory. her posts are always very pretty. They remind me of little kids in school who won't stop blurting . scorpio is the sign of dominance. vvitch ASTROLOGY OBSERVATIONS PART SIX these people may just naturally be good at inventing things, coming up with theories and talking in groups and making friends/connections. these observations are based on my own experience with these placements. The Secret Language of Astrology adheres to the mystery of stars through both history and tried-and-true techniques. fears and other things they didnt know about themselves tend to show up relationships (romantic or not). they show that the world is run by power and that you need to be powerful in order to survive. baby_renaxo. these people could experience times where theyre like oh I thought I already knew this?. they should pay attention to other cultures and countries and languages, if they feel drawn to a certain country then they may have been from that country in their past life. another interpretation of Mnemosyne in astrology is that it shows how you inspire people and what you are remembered for. these peoples sacrifices and acts of kindness are never forgotten, they can make others smile for the rest of their day by giving them a compliment. ex: lick in 10th house can mean youre obsessed with your career, reputation and public image. they are remembered for their wealth, their s*x or s*x appeal or even death. Astrology and Astronomy in the Ancient World | Encyclopedia.com for example, if they have respiratory problems, they might have breathed in a lot of dust or any kind of particles because of their work in their past life. they just want to freely express themselves (which they didnt get to do in their past life). Astrology Zone. 1st house - you may worry about yourself and think everything you do looks stupid. CAPRICORN OR 10TH HOUSE VENUS can be very attracted to teeth, they either like clean bright teeth and smiles, want to be a dentist or like teeth as part of their aesthetic *cough* me. CAPRICORN / 10TH HOUSE PLACEMENTS no matter how patient or 'chill their rising or mars sign is, if you make them do something while theyre focused on something else or when theyre working, theyll literally get so annoyed with you. Id say these placements are also the influencers along with aries but these are the type of influencers that share pictures of themselves always looking good and relaxing #acaibowl #spa #selfcare #bali. By reflecting on our past observations, we can adjust our understanding of ourselves, others, and the world around us. their kindness impacts peoples lives, people will talk about them and remember them when they are feeling down for the good thing they did. Its also interesting that a lot of SCORPIOS I know are very attracted to VIRGOS, just like how Hades was attracted to Persephone. Your email address will not be published. hills ASTRO OBSERVATIONS I have capricorn in 7th house where venus sits, my hardwork not being paid off or being recognised and seeing no improvements makes me sad. It makes sense because Gemini is an air sign and Hermes wore winged sandals that allowed him to fly. BONUS (10028) can tell you what you feel like you always have more of but if its negatively aspected, it can mean the opposite. Disclaimer, this will not resonate with everyone. The article examines how astrology can be used to better understand ourselves and those around us. when it comes to past life, they were most likely restricted and were around people who were too stuck in the past, whatever it is, they just couldnt be themselves. these people are naturally good at resolving conflict and socialising with people, they are naturally very charismatic too. for example, if theyre naturally talented at drawing, they may have been an artist in their past life. Through astrological observations, we can get to know ourselves better and understand how planetary influences shape our behavior. not to drag all the capricorns that are not..i apologize.. but why are so many caps trumpies plz tell me?. they might have experienced a lot of deaths in their past life (other peoples deaths or even their own), these people could be afraid of death because of that. they may experience times where theyre like I thought I already knew this, similarly to Sagittarius, these people could be gifted with claircognizance. Virgo is associated with Persephone and Scorpio is associated with Hades, Libra is the sign in-between both of those signs and is associated with Hera, the Goddess of marriage, so Libra connected those two signs. others would say their taste in people is kinda odd..maybe even broken. your southnode is your comfort zone. ex: virgo mars = you work because you want to help others and feel needed, it is beneficial for your health. pretty much anything that stands out and shows their individuality. They created sophisticated observations of the star patterns that formed much of the current zodiac calendar. Patricia L. Walsh is a karmic astrologer who works with the astrological chart as a map of the psyche, including the soul's past experience and present intention. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. they can easily motivate people with their existence, their whole being is like goals. ASTROLOGY OBSERVATIONS PART TWO. other people see these people as sweethearts, very kindhearted people who care about others. Kyle Gibson didn't want to make too much of his first time donning an Orioles uniform in a game, given it came in a spring training exhibition. MNEMOSYNE IN CANCER / 4TH HOUSE those with this placement are remembered for their nurturing, empathetic, emotional, protective, maternal and intuitive self. Im pretty new to astrology (caught my attention at the beginning of this year) and one of my favorite things to discuss about are astrology observations. Ace ASTROLOGY OBSERVATIONS #1 reach their highest potential by growing spiritually. you may also seem to attract people with those placements into your life! The author describes various tools astrologers use to uncover underlying patterns of human behavior and offer practical advice to foster personal development. most of the time, these people are just remembered for their striking beauty/appearance. the ascendant of URANUS PERSONA CHART can tell you what your most shocking, 'unique or 'eye-catching" feature is. they came out of the womb with artistic skills Istg. my Gemini moon friend literally buys stationery every week and loses them. I noticed that HOUSES are also important in SYNASTRY. similarly to the observation above, Ive noticed that GEMINI RISING or MARS are very fast runners, they could also be flexible. they have a talent in healing themselves and others and they most likely have a great work ethic and theyre also spiritual. basically, scorpio shows, and where you fear of being the most vulnerable which is why you want to have full. he was the messenger of the gods. It explores how different planetary alignments affect relationships between individuals and their environment. Astrology Observations "Do not repost, plagiarize, "reword" my observations. Astrology observations I made pt 23. The next installment of my Moon Signs Observations series! Astronomy vs Astrology: What's The Difference? - WorldAtlas 2nd house Pluto natives also like wearing black. If they use words like thy, thou, thine or is interested in that type of language then they might have been an Elizabethan in their past life. they say one thing and do the opposite. they helped, healed and served people and/or animals in their past life/early life. Its a womanizer/maneater placement (because Zeus was a womanizer and is connected to Sagittarius), they give off a player vibe and just ooze a lot of s*x appeal. your 8th house placement in IC PERSONA CHART is your most secret self, what you hide from the world. also I dropped out of school. this is commonly seen in boss-employee couples or in writer-composer couples. their partners are an important piece of their puzzle to know about their past life. people are attracted to them even if they arent usually their type. most people with this placement are remembered for their s*x appeal, wealth and maybe even deaths. another interpretation of this placement is that s*x for them is hard to forget (for good or for bad) and other people dont forget about s*x with them too, its like once in a lifetime experience. or perhaps, they get random visions of their past life in an unchronological order so they could be confused. for example, if they feel drawn to a piece of artwork by a famous artist, they could be the artist in their past life or they admired the same art piece in their past life or they knew the artist. fear of letting people see their emotional side or their baggage. BLESS (92891) can tell you *wait for it* where youre blessed and what youre blessed with. youre most likely experienced and used to the themes of the house your southnode is in. those with 1ST HOUSE RULER IN 3RD/9TH/11TH HOUSE or in those signs usually have very 'meme-able facial expressions, literally living memes. these people should pay attention to their body too (internally) as this could give them hints about their past life. Venus in the 11th house of the solar return chart usually indicates falling in love with a friend. Disclaimer: I am not a professional astrologer, this post is based off my own observations, experiences and research.
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