The Solar Return Third House is where you think. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. My understanding (and related to my own story above) is that gives you some extra oomph. How exactly it manifests will very much depend on which level you experience the values of Venus. July 2016 So will you improve your assets or be a complete liability? Over time, however, this knee-jerk fear gives way to deep respect. July 2012 I stand to inherit money from him, hence the 4th house Jupiter for 2011. It is common for individuals with an 8th house Sun to change their lifestyle completely during this year. When having any planets in the 1st house that planet tends to have a more noticable energy. The Sun is as likely to develop a pattern of rotation through the succedent and cadent houses, moving thro, SUN IN ( | 1ST || ) ( | 2ND || ) ( | 3RD || ) ( | 4TH || ) ( | 5TH | ) ( | 6TH | ) ( | 7TH | ) ( | 8TH | ) ( | 9TH | ) ( | 10TH | ) ( | 11TH | ) ( | 12TH | ) HOUSE Sun in 7th House of Solar Return chart placement, indicates the time is right for truly getting to know others, to understand their dreams and disappointments. July 2013 I am getting over it and dealing with the emotions that I thought were long gone. The 8th house is the house of acute awareness of emotional forces and psychological powers. Solar Return and death. Any thoughts you guys? - Lindaland - Linda Goodman August 2012 You want to expand your life in some way, have new experiences, make improvements and you are prepared to take a risk and do something outside of your usual routine or sphere of experience in order to do so. The key words for this placement are "To thine own self be true." How else could I see it? All significant one on one relationships are found here and for that reason it is often thought of in an almost exclusively romantic context. As an 8th house person, I can never tire of reading deeper and deeper into the analysis! The purpose of the Solar Return Ninth House is to broaden your mind and alter your world view during the course of the year. The Seventh House in Astrology is known as the House of Partnership and Marriage You can see how you are designed for lasting love by looking. From what I remember from your natal, it's going to be a huge year for you on the 4th house front - Sagittarius as natal IC, Sagittarius on the rise in this chart. Im leaving the year with some new perspectives on sexuality and much more relaxed than Ive ever been. February 2021 This technique is aptly named because it describes how a person progresses through their life From Birth Day to Birth day. Brainstorm: Neptune in the 8th House Astrology Use this interpretation for natal Neptune in the 8th house, transiting Neptune in the 8th house, progressed Neptune in the 8th house, or solar arc Neptune in the 8th house. ( I dont believe Ive ever had a moon either new/full/eclipse on the exact day before) So that will make a total of 7 planets activating my next SR in the 8th! So, in this post, Im going to give you an outline of what each house in Solar Returns means, together with the Keywords for each Solar Return House which are so useful in analysing Solar Returns. Have you experienced a packed 8th house year? Negotiate it well and it will enable you to grow and move on in some way. I will have 5 planets in the 8th (sun/mars/jupiter/mercury/moon) as well as transit jupiter in the 8th. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Lorna Tedder is the author of more than 20 books, both novels and non-fiction guides. Your decisions during the year will be value driven depending on the planetary placements within the Solar Return Second House. Did anyone had any experience with that. I admit, Id been really dreading this past year for a long time now. Dying and rebirth. An emphasis on the Solar Return Third House is often characterised by restlessness and a need to be in several places at once or do more than one thing at a time. Generally, there is at least one major misconception recognized during the year. And boy, will you let everyone know about it. Though my birthday is March 3rd, my solar return usually takes place on March 2nd. A 2nd House year, I think. These traits are often ancestral; the wound itself may even be ancestral. When the Sun is in the 9th house, many higher and "not so high" beliefs need to be tested and worked with. August 2013 You assumed wrong mr. Moon in the 8th house of Solar There is a craving for financial speculation, imprudence of behavior. The Solar Return Sixth House is, above all else, a practical house. From here the Sun will most likely travel to the 1st house and foster personal development. Hi Lorna- Wow, I cant believe you are already due for another 8th house solar return! However, because Solar Returns generate a temporary chart only lasting for one year interpreting the house positions of your planets in Solar Returns will be different from the meanings you will be familiar with from your Natal Chart. In my experience, The Solar Return Fourth House is very directly to do with all matters relating to the home and family as they are in the here and now. Your best Solar Return Chart - Lindaland - Linda Goodman Significant relationships will be lit up by the Solar Return Seventh House but they are just as likely to be business or professional or contractual in some way. This will be a year where you encounter things foreign to you and that may include people and/or languages. Unlike the Natal Chart however, Solar Return Seventh House placements are not really about your capacity to relate or your relationship needs. Or Just Not Care Enough? Jupiter in the 2nd, 7th and 8th house both in a Solar return chart or transiting in a birth chart, acts as a bistable oscillator, in the sense that it tends to invert the pre-existent situation: if there is calm it brings on a storm and if there is a war it helps to bring back peace; 9. Since you're an eleventh house Leo, I see creative work being a likely base for these ventures and projects. When you are born, the Sun in your natal chart has a specific position in the zodiac. For example, the Sun in the1st housein this year's solar return will probably move up to the10th housenext year, assuming certain conditions: The individual must remain in the same location and this location should not be too far north or too far south in terms of latitude. January 2014 At times this position of the Moon can also suggest a period of sickness for a friend or a relative. Chiron In The Houses | Tea & Rosemary Planets in the Seventh House of Solar return chart show a reflection of who you are and you will attract someone that matches your self. Transactions are about give and take and thats not always easy as it provokes some fairly heavy emotional responses when you have to part with something or someone precious to you. April 2013 March 2016 In the 8th house, Jupiter promotes a positive outlook and a faith in future outcomes. For example, if Aries is on the Ascendant in the Solar Return chart, the individual may approach the year with increased energy and enterprise, and perhaps with some impatience. Astrology and a Stellium of Planets in the 8th House The First House in an Astrological Chart has always been described as the face you show to the world. It's 0 on the house cusp between 1st and 2nd. The Self, Identity, Independence, Self image, Self Awareness, Self Assertion, Focus, New Beginnings, A New Approach, Enthusiasm, Seeking Attention, Paying Attention. Lilith can be likened to. Changes in appearance or the start of something new often accompany Solar Return First House placements. Jupiter rules both the ascendant and the 4th house in this chart, and is conjunct the ascendant and domicile. I'd suggest this is a spiritual cleansing. The Jupiter Return Jupiter returns to its natal position around every 12 years so you have a Jupiter return roughly at age 12, 24, 36, 48 and so on. December 2013 What to expect? Im trying to prepare now because I know one can feel the energy 3 months prior to your birthday which means I only have 1 more week to prepare . Thank you. It includes any belief or misconception that guides or misguides one's life. Planets in Solar Return Some astrologers believe you can alter your chart for the year by making a birthday trip and others think that your chart reverts back to where you live most of the year and so a trip out of town just isnt worth it. Psychic awakening. Chiron in the 12th house can indicate either mental illness or psychism. When it comes to astrological charts and their twelve life sectors, called "houses," the scariest piece of the pie is the Eighth House, followed closely by the mysterious Twelfth House. We think of change as away from the security we know and loveand even sometimes hateand rarely toward a good thing unless life has been really terrible recently. I say that without passing judgement. October 2020 I did in fact have to face mortality issues throughout the year. Planets in a solar return 8th can make you quiver. Who you are, what youve got, youve got opinions, you know where youre from, what you like, how to look after yourself, how to relate and pay your way. Your sexual activity will intensify but be careful, in this sense, about the possibility of venereal diseases. So draw the line and move on. Its where you are asked to get your house in order, to become more organised and efficient because there may be issues in your life that could become a problem if you dont pay attention to them and that may include health issues and lifestyle choices you should be paying attention to. Sex - The 5th House vs The 8th | ElsaElsa Last time, I came out well on toplots of regeneration. Their body. Ok, now here's my actual 2018-2019 solar year chart. It is through the peaceful resolution of these issues or the disengagement from the struggle with them that true power is gained. My Solar year is only half over, so who knows what else may happen. April 2019 There is an openness to new knowledge and a willingness to consider new topics that lead to mental expansion. October 2018 turns towards sexuality and your desire to have sex increases. Watch for the upcoming postsas soon as I can carve out the time . Its where you may save, squander, find new ways to boost your earnings or find big bills heading your way. The 8th house solar return Sun is generally associated with disruption and change. You may or may not have a planet in your seventh house, but everyone is born with the seventh house in their natal chart. The stress along the 2nd-8th axis, the preponderance of Cancer (another analogue for domestic focus *symbolically*) the oppositions along Cancer and Capricorn and the disposition of the Cancer stellium by the Aries Moon in 4th (conjunct Chiron) sounds like all the transformations, deaths and upheavals will be with regard to the 4th house - which this Solar Return indicates will be the broader area of focus for the year in question. The Solar Return Second House is almost always to do with your personal finances and the resources you have at your disposal during the year. The 6th house can also provide support for 3rd house problem-solving tasks. How do you interpret aspects in a solar return chart, and is part of the analysis of a solar return chart comparing it to the natal chart? There may be a property inheritance coming your way or the sale of a property. Drop your baggage after all, thats why you came here. The thing is, while the planets for that day are in the same conjunctions, oppositions, squares, etc, regardless of where you are in the world, the houses can changea little bit, at leastif you travel, thereby putting a planet in a more favorable house. But I suppose my 2019-2020 year will be an intense one in a good way. Sign of the month Astro Psychology Karmic Astrology Active Astrology Love Compatibility Relationship Chart Composite Chart Your Rising Sign Your Birth Chart Your Transit Chart Daily Forecast Yearly Forecast Relationship Forecast The woman has the danger of a stillborn baby. The 6th house emphasis on practical application and testing information lays, The 3rd house rules factual data as well as superficial information without an immediate and obvious purpose . Do You Love Yourself? Solar Return and Lilith - narkive With the Part of Fortune in 8th house you achieve happiness and success through transformation guided by the values of others. Venus is known as the lesser and Jupiter is known as the greater benefic. September 2017 Solar Returns are one of the best tools of Predictive Astrology we have at our disposal. Solar Returns - Sun in Succeedent Houses | Maryshea Though this can be considered experimental astrology I do believe in the possibility solar returns can show possible deaths in the year. Unavoidable, in my face, unignorable and if I was to ignore it, I'd essentially die. You may feel the desire to study something new, or improve the way you do your present work. December 2017 So, in The Solar Return Second House, you find your material resources and also learn the skills of resourcefulness. These are two important areas for feedback on practical applications. Anytime one of the slower moving planets transit through the 8th house, we're experiencing that 8th house tension in a more significant way. However, most I lean toward the traditional approach to chart interpretation, one of the more straightforward reasons being that you cannot side-wind your way out of an incorrect read of the chart -- if you say something about the finances of a person, then it is easily verifiable that the statement made about the financial situation of an individual is either correct or incorrect. Relationships will tend to be more intense and complicated during the year. I have fond memories but it isnt as bad as I thought itd be. That would be all well and goodexcept that my husband has been battling terminal cancer for 2 years and it looks like it is becoming increasingly serious (metastases to the brain). However, because Solar Returns generate a temporary chart - only lasting for one year - interpreting the house positions of your planets in Solar Returns will be different from the meanings you will be familiar with from your Natal Chart. JUPITER IN THE 8TH HOUSE Of Your Yearly Horoscope - Astrosignature SOLAR RETURN EIGHTH HOUSE - Astrology online June 2014 Interpreting Solar Returns: Predictions | Cafe Astrology .com - Venus aspect Mars. So get out the green hair dye. SOLAR RETURN CHART BASIC :from first house to 12 house SUN IN ( | 1ST || ) ( | 2ND || ) ( | 3RD || ) ( | 4TH || ) ( | 5TH | ) ( | 6TH | ) ( | 7TH | ) ( | 8TH | ) ( | 9TH | ) ( | 10TH | ) ( | 11TH | ) ( | 12TH | ) HOUSE Who you are does not change, but how you present yourself to others, does. And read, write, walk, text, email, exchange gossip, exchange numbers and change your mind. This house is the ruler of all things birth, death, sex, transformation, mysteries, merged energies and bonding at the deepest level. That was ages ago though. I'm still pretty new to astrology in general, but especially new to the idea of the solar return chart, so I'd love any insight into possible significant themes. March 2021
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