What Claims Can be Brought When a Pet Has Been Shot Unlawfully? Resist the temptation to rationalize, excuse, justify, or minimize animal cruelty. Privacy Policy. I don't think the humane society will put down a cat if asked to by a non-owner, but your neighbor could lie. Having lived through this now more than 14 years ago at our previous home,I can tell you its the most traumatic and horrible thing to live through. In America, the answer might be: keep your cat inside as a lot of cat owners do. Your Neighbor Dislikes Your Dog. And Now That's Your Problem. Could I have handled this any differently? Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Did this satellite streak past the Hubble Space Telescope so close that it was out of focus? "CRAZY neighbor tries to break in because I changed the wifi," the caption reads. I honestly thought my cat pooped in his yard or peed on the fence or something (he used to do that in my flower bed a lot). They might have a cat of their own that feels intimidated by other cats in the area. He reads what he wants it to say, hes half crazed with his hatred of cats and those of us who love them. To shoot a neighbors cat is a misdemeanor, punishable by up to 1 year in prison , and both domestic and feral cats are protected by the animal welfare act of 2006. Please comment here using either Facebook or WordPress (when available). Telling her, "Look. All you can do is either build a contained area in your yard for your cats. This is not likely going to amount to a legal matter until it's all escalated much too far, and your cat is at the most serious risk if things do escalate further. Clifton Anthony Bliss Jr., 58, was . along with other people who had the nerve to try and take a walk and threaten them with a lawsuit over the constant nonstop racket of barking dogs. May be ask if he wants you to clean up. Clearly your cats were a threat to what they valued, and they tried to protect it by any means necessary after asking you to keep your cats on your own property was a total waste of their time. However, it will obviously create even more tension between you and your neighbour and may make your relationship intolerable. I took a few calls for my job and came back out to her and her husband doing their bird watching thing. Resolving the Problem Directly with Your Neighbor The best option for addressing a constantly barking or dangerous dog, a loud rooster crowing at the break of dawn, or a cat repeatedly sneaking into your house, is to talk to the neighbor responsible for the offending animal in a non-confrontational manner. Legal advice regarding an apartment neighbor threatening to kill my cat Who started this whole mess? My Neighbor Killed My Dog! (Do This to Get Justice ASAP) Scooping him up, I took him inside. Also, a person who threatens a peace officer, elected official or who threatens a large group of people may face enhanced charges. But you are within your rights. I am glad I didn't mention anything about the cat murder. They are both obese Bowie's law is a significant advance in the humane treatment of animals in California according to Nathan Winograd. If it was me and he said the same thing, I would warn him that he will be reported. Before qualifying I worked in many jobs including professional photography. 2023 Alley Cat Allies. Neighbors often poison pets in order to quiet a noisy dog or stop a cat from digging up the rose garden or stalking the birds. No, it wouldn't for obvious reasons. I'm telling you now that if you say anything like that again, I will involve the law. Further to that point, if something happens to my cat I will look to you first. He is a much older jerk who wants to grow all of this stuff in his yard and just blames the cats for everything. Keep your cat indoors. All of this may sound tough, even impractical, perhaps, but the first call upon a cat caretaker is the cat's safety and if your cat is unsafe wandering around outside because of threats to his health and welfare something has to be done, proactively. It may bring some satisfaction but the objective is to stop your cat being hurt. Video cameras will aid with evidence for any cruelty cases and deter anyone who might harm the cats from coming onto the property. My boyfriend and I like to walk our cats out like dogs on leashes. Do you know what the cat did to annoy the neighbour? I'm not defending your neighbor here, but have you put yourself in his shoes? My neighbour has just threatened to kill my cat Digital Spy How do I get my neighbour to stop disturbing with loud music? I know what I feel like doing to someone like this jerk who hates cats and probably poisoned cats but being a neighbour you will probably agree that you have to keep the peace as best we can because youre living next to him and if you are engaged in warfare with your next-door neighbour youre going to be miserable and so will he although he wouldnt admit it. If it turns out it's illegal for her to shoot your cat, you can let her out again once she's aware of this, perhaps. The cat won't go looking for someone to attack! Neighbor threatened to kill my cat - Godlike Productions The person in the picture behind Charlie could be Woodsman. For more information, please see our Neighbor disputes are the worst kind. Today I witnessed my cat get mauled by a neighbor's pit bull. Tags: cat welfarehuman to cat relationshiphurting catskilling cats. When Can Verbal Threats Considered a Crime? - Attorney Search - LegalMatch Linear Algebra - Linear transformation question. On the other hand he already muttered threats so in a way I hope he realizes it might not be an appropriate thing to say. Registered in England. What makes life difficult is that the process of confronting and solving problems is a painful one." I don't plan on letting my cat out, but things happens and I don't want him dead. Just to clarify to that idiot incase he comes back under another name, the bird feeder was placed on a pole exactly between our 2 gardens specifically to entice cats to climb it and cut themselves on the barbed wire HALF of which was wound round OUR side of the pole. I specifically said that I didn't want to have a conversation with this guy, and while I did have a conversation with him, it wasn't planned. Not an untypical question, but, I hope, reasonably rare. If your neighbour treatens to hurt or kill your cat it is a threat to damage your property and in the UK is a crime (Criminal Damage Act 1971 1971 CHAPTER 48). Don't mention that you know that he was angry, or that you were shocked. But it did! About 2 hours later the now irrate neighbor was circling the front of my house yelling and banging on doors and windows. We don't let it out on purpose, but it's a sneaky little thing. If someone is threatening cats: Notify the police. It sucks ass, but if that is what you have to do to stop your psycho neighbour shooting her, it may be the only option you have besides moving. Shooting at cats is another nasty pastime for some people. This is also a man who has never returned a hello in the several years that we have been neighbours. :rolleyes: Whilst I dont agree with his poisoning cats..I do sympathise with people whose gardens are soiled and invaded by cats..cats are not wild animals they are pets and should be taken care of..so I am sorry but if your cat came into my garden you should expect it to come home having been chased or possibly soaked by my hosepipe..sorry but sick of them spraying,peeing and shitting in my garden..I wouldnt hurt any animal but I certainly deter them coming again..however many times to scare or wet them it takes..would you like it if I sent my 5 year old son to shit in your garden? I saw my cat pop up (from what I thought was behind the shed) and heard my neighbour mutter through the fence "I'm gonna kill that cat, stay out of my yard". Threatening to harm pets or hurting animals is Narcissistic Abuse For example, Alabama's minimum punishment for animal cruelty is a $1,000 fine, six months of jail time, or both. This chap is out of order..however he has openly said what he is going to do..think of how many people keep their mouths shut and cowardly put down poison and the likesthere was a spate of cats getting poisoned around hereI do sympathise with none cat owners who have cats visiting their gardens and spraying,peeing and pooing everywhere..I have to admit I have a number of cats come into my garden and certain areas stink..annoys me because often it is against or close to my little ones garden toys..I dont like the idea of my son going out and playing in cat pee..so I spend my life powerwashing outdoor toys and trying to deter cats..but humanely..not by leaving poison outmy older son loves to attract birds into the garden too and it is annoying to watch other peoples cats stalking them..but I know it is impossible to get everyone to keep their cats indoors..just annoys me those with 3/4/5/6 cats all out wandering..if you want lots of cats..then keep them indoors or spend out on an outdoor run..I have been known to chase,spray with hose,jug of water etc cats that appear in my garden..if an owner was angry with me for doing this then I would state my case.your cat..then keep it in your house there was a thread like this recently that was in scotland too but i think the neighbour was female as i think i recall she was pregnant. She told me I'm a Trump supporter (I'm not) and I'm not welcome in this neighborhood if those are my values. So then why do people think just because they are cats, it is OK for them to go wherever, pooping, killing birds, getting sick, getting lost or run-over, having fights or whatever? I have screen shots off all the conversation, and I have multiple witnesses that saw the online harassment, the neighbors ex girlfriend privately messaged me letting me know the neighbor has guns and that he is dangerous and he threatened her life, she asked me to remain anonymous, the neighbor that was making threats messaged me claiming he didnt kill the cat but I know he did, I just dont have concrete proof! Sit down and talk with your neighbor if possible. I was sitting on a pier by the lake and that huge dog came right up to me, nowhere to run except to jump into the lake in late April (no thanks) but luckily nothing happened. I asked him to cite which laws he thought i was violating, and the best he said was, "Well on NextDoor they said " Am I really facing legal liability for animal abuse for a cat that gets out? My ex was mean to her a few times, and so her and I would basically riff on my ex. Many people use death threat as a general insult (even at their own children), without even the slightest intent to actually do it. If you suspect your neighbor tried to poison your dog, you can make them pay. You explicitly show AND prove to the whole world that you had and have ZERO respect for your neighbors lives. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. We cant all like the same things but we dont go around tormenting people just because they dont like the same as we do, do we! Would you mind clarifying what you mean? Please don.t let him get away with this. Okay!? I also leash him now when he goes out for the most part. A more realistic scenario might be them going to court and getting a restraining order, which could have significant consequences for you if you violate it by letting your cat out. Great Pyrenees Rescue OregonBeavercreek, Oregon. Expect to pay less for I used to have an indoor/outdoor cat that belonged to my ex-wife and when she left, the cat left as well. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. On the way out yesterday I passed the body of a cat obviously struck by a car. The police arrived and took a report. It is against our bylaw to have cats roaming, but like I said I never knew the cat was leaving the yard. On July 17, 1889, he went looking for help. In the US, it's very common for someone to say. Later, I see her putting up chicken wire around her yard. 3 Steps for Dealing With Crazy Dog-Hating Neighbors - Dogster Bowies law AB 595 California is an animal life saver. A redirected attack occurs only if an agitated cat is approached or there's someone close by. When I was about twelve a neighbor let his huge dog roam. It may be impossible to achieve but entering into a dialogue with him about how best to deal with the matter may get him to work with you rather than against you. Try to Be Diplomatic. Don't wait for a visit from animal control, for a court summons, or, worst of allfor frustrated neighbors to take the "law" into their own hands. Woody hates cats and cat lovers so much he didnt even bother to wonder why we were so traumatised by those people and I think he is one of the very same ilk who bullies his way through life and tries to convince others that he is always right. However, it would obviously be a crime to hurt or kill your cat in all countries in the West. Is it impossible to build a fence around your yard to keep the cat out? Surprise surprise it turned out that one of the sons who had got his girl friend pregnant, eventually bought our house at a knock down price after the women who bought it first, moved out too because of their bullying anti social ways. They shouldnt be allowed to procreate. "Underneath the surface . Many people accept it and like it. Our cats had never bothered them, like we have here we had an earth patch dug in our own garden for the cats to use. What Can I Do if My Neighbor's Animals are Creating a Problem? It is her/his responsibility to keep her cats confined if her neighbor (you) requests it, in my view. If not, the neighbor is blowing smoke. Always remember anyone can post on the MSE forums, so it can be very different from our opinion. I'd call them up and ask them about the legalities of all this, then talk to your neighbour. Oh, were you talking about the people that kept their dog/pet in their own yard? Here's an article with some more information. Don't name names, but include your neighbour in the distribution. Dissasemble the cartrages and thow away the pellets. I dont know whether they do go on to his property but there has to be some sort of visible guaranteed barrier preventing them which will satisfy him. So neighbor as a potential cause has to be in there, along with cancer, organ failure, bacterial infection, mycotic swamp cancer and mites and viruses and all of the many things that can make a body ill. Not only is she threatening to kill your cat, she is probably ignoring her own dog (it isn't natural for a dog to bark incessantly.) Answer (1 of 5): You have a great mess I have a similar thing happened to Neighbor constantly telling me he was going to kill my dog when I found him hovering over my dead dog I asked him if he killed my dog and he wouldn't answer me. Its a dangerous world out there especially for animals. I'm not sure why you think I was going to use the mail service instead of going next door. They will probably warn him. 1. You may not have the funds to build such a barrier but I dont think they are that expensive.
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