So in my head all I know is they were wrong. The 1 year anniversary of his death is in a couple days. It is 660,116 days from the start date to the end date, but not including the end date.. Or 1807 years, 4 months excluding the end date.. Or 21688 months excluding the end date. Don fought so hard with what strength that he had but cancer took him from me. Wishing you peace on this day of remembrance. It left me very melancholy. Unfortunately I dont have a circle of friends and people I meet seem to think that Im fine as I wear that face which says Im getting on with things ok. Date Duration Calculator: Days Between Dates - Time and Date The first few months of the second have been harder for me than any of the FIRSTS of the first year, Miss him everyday, My mom passed last May of 2017 and it will barely be a year this May and I dont know why but I am having a hard time, harder then when she first passed. What If the Pain of Pet Loss Becomes Too Much to Bear? May God bless you and comfort you on your journey. I lost my wife on December 2017 to cancer. I have recently started a new job and have found that at my age, it is so much more of a challenge than it was just 10 years ago. I lost my mum very suddenly on the 18 January 2017. I HAVE TO PUT ON A BRAVE FACE for my kids. I think it better I stay home the rest of the week. Tracy. I was told the first year was the hardest As I come up to the end of the year I find myself getting more irrational daily. It did get easier and the positivity was flowing for about 3 solid weeks but then the awareness that I am alone hit even harder. He let me sleep late as part of my anniversary gift, and so that day i never told him Good Morning, nor have a good day, nor Goodbye. I go to the cemetery once a month, but it still doesnt seem like hes there. But heres my two cents. I lost my husband and best friend Aug. 30th 2017. We had an age gap of 14 years and he was like a father to me. With over 18 stays in the hospital and 29 procedures to keep her liver going. And my eyes leak out of the blue.I walk past a mirror and dont recognise who I have become. Its been two years coming up and the loss has gotten worst. I immediately looked away . This week marks five years since my mom passed away. I went back to work and I found some new hobbies and established my new normal. If anyone can help me with this . Like he meant nothing. It was a very shocking and unexpected episode. "Although it's difficult today to see beyond the sorrow, May looking back in memory help comfort you tomorrow" - Unknown. I miss him everyday and yes I am like the rest of everyone above the second year does seem worse. He was my best friend as well as my Father. Grief and death is so hard and it is nice to have a community of supporters. I look forward to seeing him again and I know he would want me to go on and prove that our live was SO GREAT that I continue on in his memory. Always believe she would come back..I dont tell anyone how much I miss her as nobody lisen to me, just say move ondont know what to do and how to live. My prayers are to hopefully things will get easier. Thirty days later I lost my only sibling. They are always with me. I am 39, I could live a long time yet. My soul. As painful and intense as the mourning was, it was when I felt closest to him and the best way I could find to say, I love you. And so, when grief came knocking I answered. It was more than a human can handle but. I lost my mom nearly 10 months ago. All me best regards. Excessively avoiding reminders or good memories . with friends like that, who needs enemies. It helps me to know that although I feel alone, I am not alone in my emotions. And someday, my soul will find yours. Death is so final. I still cry most days and miss him more than words can say. I never knew I could cry so much and as someone says above, I dont want my anti depressants, its a different mind frame. I cant even go to church and I feel so bad because its Christmas. It NEVER stops hurting. English (US) Thank you, Kathy..I am so sorry your husbands life ended so needlessly.I would like to think your hubbys buddy is resting with Katie beautiful hound died 7 months after my hubby died and I KNOW she went to be with 17 year old cat died one month before my I do imagine them all together..keep strongthinking of you..hugs. In fact, a week after diagnosis (and at that time we didnt know the prognosis) the tumour haemorrhaged and 2 weeks after diagnosis, he died. Anne, and others, so sorry for your losses as well. I just cant get my brain to accept the situation and get on with normal life. I hate that he left so unexpectedly and I never had a chance to tell him goodbye or that I loved him so much. But those grief waves keep on coming when you dont expect them. I do things everyday by myself now and its very painful, part of me is gone and will never get it back. Uthayanan SETHUPATHY. I feel so selfish posting after reading these. I still cry daily but Im told thats not how it is for everyone. It has been 6 months since the first dog's death, Nugget. You are not depressed and forget the damn therapy! Ann Marie it gets better slowly. We dont fit into our regular lives anymore. I found The Five Wishes online to be a friendly way to opening the discussion of dying. Year number 1 I was numb. Its as if Im forced to relieve him not ever coming back all the time exhausting, painful and heart wretching. I'm dropping a video in a few minutes on this I will never be a grandmother she worked at pet smart. Thats exactly how I have felt! The death of a child is brutal, messy, cruel. To have some exchange to feel better or to go forward. But speaking for myself I had to change focus, take the focus off him and onto those left behind. I still have to live. I miss him more now than the first year he was gone. I understand perfectly. I love him so. I know what you are going through. A week later I told them to let her go, and they removed life support. When a parent dies, guilt can become a burden because of past arguments you now regret or maybe because you think you didn't do enough to help them. Others think you are strong and doing fine. tool to check the status of your refund within 24 hours of e-filing. Health officials have previously recommended that most people receive a booster shot of COVID-19 vaccine more than eight months after completing their original vaccine regimen. She lost her battle in May 2016. I look so sad. I thought or believed that the following year it would have been easier, but I was wrong. Still in a trance i suppose on autopilot she was only 52. That only means your human and your heart needs to hug and kiss another , to connect. As for dealing with the every day pain, I will share a story from my life that gets me through it: I have a very low pain threshold. Im just over a year without my darling wife.. We all have a whole lot in common whether its short or long term living marriage, a lover, a friend or a family loved one. We had 36 wonderful yeayears. After the loss of a family pet, many people wonder how long they should wait before they get a new cat or dog. Its like a scar that sometimes bleeds. I lost my only child Rob on Thanksgiving 2016 to a heroin overdose. I feel I can,t cope. I also listened to grief counselors online. You do. I identify with the fear of more & more time passing since he was here. I am grateful to read all of these posts because I dont think Im over my grief, yet I have always heard that at one-year I would feel better and grieving will be over. A blessing one night though. My husband died after a failed kidney liver transplant in October. I lost my bf 4 years ago and I thought I was doing well. I did not understand that we had such a deeper connection than others may have. Death is such a natural part of life but its so cruel what iteaves behind. So, my big brother ended his life in May of 2019. he was a comic style artist and left me hundreds of incredible images and left me with the nagging sadness of wondering if I could have done something different to change his outcome. They would want us to go on!! I wish you the best on your journey. Who had before been in and out of hospitals. The first year I immersed myself in clearing things up and moved across the country to be with my daughter. We were blessed with 4 children, who still desperately need me at ages 11, 9, 8, and 7. My faith keeps me standing, keeps me from losing it again. I am afraid that if I dont learn to balance my grief with finding happiness I will jeopardize a future together. Which was lovely and took the pressure of me. married for nearly 35 years and even though I have a though I am on a constant roller coaster ride. I feel I have no strength and he would want me to be strong. I still feel completely ruined. Nugget was my first dog - a quirky, neurotic Japanese Spitz who passed away 6months ago. Hi I lost my husband 15 months ago and Im so lost and empty inside I keep thinking maybe hes not really dead and is just taking time out on his way home from work he had a cardiac arrest we have 5 kids 3 older and two under 12 we were together for 25 years he was also my best friend we went through so much together I have a mental illness and from the good and bad times he was the I had a court case 11 months after he died he never got to see the outcome and after been together for so long 3 years ago with him by my side I decided to do it I wish he could have been there free dealing with things and been my my side I feel so guilty that at the time he needed me most I wasnt there for him also he was never sick I miss him so so much my heart and my body physically hurt . Been there done that wore his t shirt . I am do sorry, please know you are not alone! I am just that a misfit. She fought for her life for thirty days. I still cry hard for him day, and beg him to come home to me. He took his own life. I sit here now 23 months later with tears flowing endlessly. Scars are only ugly to people who cant see. Big hugs. .it was always he and i. But I think I am doing ok in my grieving process, just grieving intensely right now. I did see a counselor. Why are you tormenting me like this?! If I can last that long. He was my life he was the father of my beautiful children. My prayers go out for all the ones who have lost a loved one. I stayed in pjs all weekend and left my phone off. I understand your raw feelings and intense pain. I am 54 now. The what its are going to kill me. It works. Thats hard at 69 . Its just over twelve months since my beautiful wife died of cancer.It was only three months from diagnosis to passing in that time my mother was also coming to the of her battle with cancer.So i lost the two most important people in my life in the same month words cannot describe hurt I felt. And I still miss you, I can't image life without you. My children where absolutely beside themselves. Then Ovarian Cancer stage 3 came knocking on our door to become part of our life for the following two and a half years then took my love away. Which really helped. The love of my life died almost 10 months ago, and I hardly remember a day. We use to play and sing together all the time. Excuse me BRUHH - Castro. I cant function. I dont mean always, but more often than I expect to. I try to take steeps forward. For me, it is in those tiny slivers of time when I feel most alone and heartbroken. I still think about my husband everyday and I still miss him, but now when I think of him its with a smile. Twenty eight years of marriage was not enough. My story is very much like yours. After a while, maybe weeks, maybe months, youll find the waves are still 100 feet tall, but they come further apart. I show up for life but just get my body there. Key Takeaways. At some point, you may even feel angry at your spouse for leaving you. If only I could land in some port, any port, perhaps I could find my footing again. People tell me i have to move on. I lost my wife to cancer 22 months ago. I too lost my soul mate and love of my life 17 months ago after 24 wonderful years together. Donna, Im same as you . I suggest a book by Megan Devine called Its Ok That Youre Not Ok. Blessings to each of you on your journey. Much love everyone. I lost my husband 2 years ago. I shall not know in this lifetime. I dont want it and I envy those who die soon after their loved spouse passes. He passed unexpectedly while on our first trip since retiring. I hope we both find peace somehow, someday. We bought this old farm house many years ago and we worked hard to make it the home we wanted. I would add that while I have totally accepted the finality of my husbands death I have yet to decide or define my own life now. He was 74, had some health conditions, though not that serious & was relatively able, fit & healthy. I can't believe that it's been almost four months since my baby Beemo passed away. I lost my dear Husband 10 months ago on Dec 19 2018 and then my lovely beautiful son passed away 8 weeks later.I am struggling still so badly.I am trying so hard to get on with my life but its not getting any better yet.I cry every day and so depressed and lonely.I just keep hoping and praying it will get better.We had been together 60 yrs and married 55,its so hard and miss him so much.My son had Cancer but fought it for 4 yrs,but it beat him in the end.I keep thinking ile feel better but as yet it doesnt.Ime just hoping and praying I will get to feel better. I hope you learn to cope with this terrible grief, I hope you have people who are kind and stay around you. The pain is unbearable.. I dont think I know how to live a normal life and cant really relate to other people . I lost my wife as well, my best friend o 32 years. Four months he fought from diagnosis to him passing. Nothing. Maybe its some physical thing. We are all different and you will find your path somehow through this grief. I am so lost still. I feel your pain my husband died 6 months ago i want to give up but some how you learn to live again i pray alot i miss him he will always be in my heart i try to keep my mind on diffrent things i watch funny move ies go to the park the only thing is trying to sleep at night i cant give up he would have want me to live i know in my heart i will see him again am only 50 i still have a chance to be happy again i pray for you that god will take some of the hurt away and help you and gave you the peace you need to get through this this two shall pass, I definitely understand more then words can express. The death of your child and the pain that comes with it don't disappear after 10 years another reality I slowly crashed into. I lost my mom that I took care of for almost 5 yrs and I saw her take her last breathe and its been two yrs now and people act like should be over losing her and when all the people that have been lost this year from covid 19 its just reminds of what and how I lost her. (February 21, 1940 July 17, 2020) John R. Lewis, who died of pancreatic cancer, was the last surviving speaker of the 1963 March on Washington. I wouldnt wish this on anybody. Or how about my whole immediate family thats destroyed. Everything floating around you reminds you of the beauty and the magnificence of the ship that was, and is no more. Your children would feel the pain you feel if something happened to you! Though it's been years now since you were taken away, the memories are still strong, and I wish you were here today. And tonight I'll fall asleep with you in my heart. But there was a need to accept at a deeper level, and it was very very hard. But here I am. Glad I happened onto this website where I can share such deep feelings that I used to share with the love of my life. Although it feels like it, just know you are not alone. He was my life. The 3rd year of losing my 47yo sister to Cancer as well. I had simething similar happening to me. I have a t-shirt on his pillow from his memorial that I have been sleeping with for over a year and I really dont care what anybody thinks it helps me. I know Im late to this post but I lost my husband six months ago. Sounds crazy right. Occassionally it makes me actually sick. God Bless you in this unwanted journey. Take each day at a time, pray and thank God for the time he gave you with her. Reality for me says it will never completely subside. He Was Grieving Over The Death Of His Best Friend. There is not a day when I do not think of you. visitors from Search Engine (by keyword) Hope for the future feels like nothing more than pretty words for fairy tales. And the scar tissue is stronger than the original flesh ever was. i pray for all my friends that are suffering to die soon they are lucky to tell loved ones so long. I have been tearing up all day but not in a sad way. An Excell ant article..really on the mark. The body is never the same again, but healing does happen. I too am n my 2nd year of losing my spouse. I totally understand. I now know I am normal again with just a different heart. My two. It was now our turn to enjoy life-she 62-me 64. i thought i was getting a bit better getting on with things and losing the 3 stone i put on. Strong for me I think. Ive always been in control of my life & now Im not. I miss him so much and loved him so dearly. Has anyone else experienced a strong feeling of depression after months of grief? I was daddys girl always was. I would be very grateful. You can use the IRS' Where's My Refund? I rember the first few days after mums passing I thought I could hear my mums foot steps walking with me, I thought I could see zmy mum in the streets to me she was still here. Cry everyday and pray everyday for strength and hope. God has given me strength to carry on. Hi- I just read your storyits almost been 2 years since my husband died. I have come to realize for myself that I ultimately need to move rid myself of too many artifacts of our life. Try not to do that to your other child. I have days of no energy or ambition. No other moments were devoid of the heaviness on my heart. Today I took an afternoon nap and when I woke up., i finally got dressed at 5:00 why bother. I am numb and hopeless since I lost my beloved soul mate and husband of 31 years. Much love. Collapsed at our 49th anniversary dinner. The grief is invisible to everyone around me, and Im too proud to let anyone in. My heart goes out to all of those who have left comments in this thread. He was honestly the best thing that ever happened to me life was finally good. Love to all i feel your pain. Sometimes I feel so angry and out of control. Two hours later my daughter was wondering why Dad didnt reply all of her texts, she tried calling him many times but no answer, 45 minutes later a cop knocked on our door and told me he was in the ER, I didnt think much of it, my oldest daughter ran to the ER where he was ( we live a few feet away from the hospital) while I am taking care of my then 7 years old son. Im in a dead end relationship and basically just exist. I wish you peace. I dont think this grief will ever get better. Any suggestions. heart. Well a couple months after he was killed. I love you Max forever youll always be in my heart and I see you in our 4 sons and grandchildren..youre missing their weddings and special celebrationsto all of you hear on this page I pray you find hope and courage to keep going . I lost my husband 5 months ago we were married r5 yrs. Do I really like this person. I thought they were going lock me up. It presents itself in a million little ways throughout the day and night. Ill never date or love anyone else, and when I do interact with others, I pretend to be happy, and paint on a smile and fake cheer, because thats what they expect; yet all the while, im Dying inside. But the terrifying thing about grief is how easy it can be to function in your day-to-day life while it quietly eats away at you. I feel badly about all the people who are still grieving as much as I am. Maybe I am afraid that I would one day forget the sound of my dads voice, his smiles and stories. Its my grief, not theirs. I tell her I miss her, she rolls her eyes and says, "Ugh. Thank you Rachel. Death can be attractivethe end of the torment of loss, but I implore you to think of what you may still offer others and perhaps even find peace and joy in while living. Its not like I was a trusting person before; now its even less so the case. Perfect grades and many friends. My husband died after autopsy report. She was trying she (rehabs counseling etc.) I also have been through hell.Losing brother niece nephew going through breast cancer and my husband of lung cancer.This is now the third year and reality is now is hitting me,but I have to care for my mother ,and to ensure that my children and grandchildren who loved their grandfather so much to give them some stability. The timeline is based on data on when breakthrough infections occur. I function. I dont have any desire to socialize and I also have my dogs and the one that my husband lived so much just lies on the couch and looks out the door like he is expecting to see him come home. It didnt hit me until I was driving out of the hospital parking ramp: I didnt get to take her home. (His name was Jackie) I have not had one good day. Im now looking forward to my next few months. 2019 has been a year of firsts without them and Im not ready for Christmas this year or the 1st anniversary of my sisters death. So. In an odd way, I dont want to be done because I feel like if I stop thinking about her then that means I have stopped loving her (which I know isnt true, but thats how it feels). I dont know how long ill Live on without him, trapped in this hell, but ill Be so relieved when this life is finished, and I see him again. This will never end, will it?
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