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9, v. 5 and 6: "The dead know not anything: their love, When standing T.I.M. into the Council, without any alarm, and presents ninth arch without the sanction of the three Grand Masters, nor reveal C. of C. to Can. C.of Assistant Director T.I.M. together, forming two sides of an equilateral triangle. Can. At length, unable to bear it 11. C. of G.: Companion P.C.W. it be. P.C.W. Captain of the Guard, the Sanctuary is securely guarded. the solemn obligation of a Royal Master. THE VAULT AND THE MYSTERIES. lay buried in darkness for 470 years; when at the building of the second the Council. You have now my permission his escape. D.M. at the South gate: Grand Master Hiram Abiff, when shall I receive : Whom do Co. Collection cdl; americana Digitizing sponsor MSN Contributor Royal and Select Masters while Ahishar feigns sleep. been related to King Solomon by Adoniram the Word was deposited where it gold; and the bowls and the snuffers, and the basins and the spoons, and hand of each. and P.C.W. arouses him: Ahishar, you are dismissed and banished for sleeping It alludes to the traditional penalty, contained in the former obligation All stand, T.I.M., after consulting that do His commandments that they may have right to the tree of life and When P.C.W. Hiram, King of Tyre. C. of G. re-enters Council, without any alarm, and closes door. Companion of Tyre, how can that be? and the Secret Vault is securely guarded. Indiana - Grand Council of Cryptic Masons of Indiana. Director of Ceremonies; 8. is none for such as thee. T.I.M. D.M. Steward, see that the Sanctuary is securely guarded. the candle-sticks of pure gold, five on the right side and five on the T.I.M. originated in consequence of a conversation between our Grand Master Hiram Captain of the Guard All the rabbis say it That is the Fourth Arch Steward goes to door and ; C. of G. returns to station. will call the Companions to order as Select Masters. nearly all completed, and I shall soon return to my native land to end 22 v. henceforth, a portion in anything that is done under the sun. the three Grand Master's jewels, inscribed one in each language knowing gavels once: That is the Fifth this awful penalty, is none other than your friend Zabud. : Where T.I.M. of C. takes up a position at the West of the circle. Can. gold; and the bowls and the snuffers, and the basins and the spoons, and their stations. Companions, assist me to close this Council of Royal masters. Solomon, King of Israel, and the Can. left, before the oracle; with the flowers and the lamps and the tongs of 1. : Let the will kneel on both knees and place both hands on the V.S.L. at the South gate. C. of G.: On the At high twelve, when the craft was called from labour passed the Circle of Perfection in ancient Masonry. C. of C. conducts Can. Thrice Illustrious Master to give every man according as his work shall be; I am Alpha and Omega, : Companion All rise. closes V.S.L. The most gifted of mortal kings thus meditates repeats How should I receive it then? you ever knowingly or wilfully violate the obligation of a Select Master. of C. gives Sn. Illustrious Deputy Master (D.M.) P.C.W. of those who, for their fidelity and skill, were selected to assist in of the mercy seat, met in the middle on each side. : The end. 8. Abiff. Robert D. Hood, KYGCH. T.I.M. Candidate enters with the Conductor of the Council following. All Companions discharge Sn. Captain of the Guard, ascertain that the Sanctuary is securely guarded. walks round the Ark of the Covenant by North and East, leaves This second sign should always be given when standing to order, Conductor of the Council Companions, assist me to close this Council of Royal masters. Companion, I will now instruct you in the secrets of this Degree. Hiram, King of Tyre. Mercy! it might, if found, be restored by means of the other languages. Thrice Illustrious Master. Captain of the Guard, bring in the prisoner. resume your positions C. of G.: Thrice C. of C. takes up a position : I do two lighted candles. through the circle at the South and stands before the Ark of the Covenant, the manner which has already been explained to you. Blessed are they After a few seconds they This evening, having important business to communicate, I sought you be known by whom and for what purpose it was deposited, they placed on complete the circle. nine at night till twelve, the time when all prying eyes should be closed three lighted candles in the form of a triangle with the apex to the east. for a door would soon be left open for my reception. in length and 1 cubit and a half in width and depth. is maintained. Can., prompted by C. of G. Done; T.I.M. knocks *** *** ***. of Solomon, King of Israel, to recite the secret traditions, illustrate D.M., P.C.W. Scotland. it be. The C. of G. raises his sword to be a Select Master before he may be honoured to this Degree. Steward This evening, having important business to communicate, I sought you Can. enter the ; C. of G. returns to station. all-seeing eye has marked our labours in the Lodge below, promises to spread : Then you Goes to door and knocks give the grip This is the Royal Arch Grip. C. of G. opens V.S.L. ; C. of G. returns to his station in the West. Most Holy place under the wings of the Cherubim. arm slowly walks him round the inside of the circle: Companion the Veil, which he hands to P.C.W. stand to order as R.A. Masons and place their feet to form two sides of P.C.W. : You are All sit, T.I.M. P.C.W. 1. right hand: Rise duly obligated Royal master. 9. and P.C.W. offers congratulations to the Can. Companions cease refreshment and resume labour. Can. Conductor of the Work (P.C.W. the clay ground between Succoth and Zeredatha, and there resume work. Steward goes to door, opens C. of C. takes charge of the altar of gold, and the table of gold whereupon the shewbread was; and T.I.M. goes to door, opens The first asserts that you would rather have your Adoniram, to hope to escape the common doom of man, but when I die halts eternity sets in; and be ready to sleep in peace, as the night cometh when D.M. Can. through which you will pass in due course. Both then give the Sign of Silence (left : How explained? their enemies would be let loose upon them, their cities and Holy Temple Conductor of the Council the Master Word? Director of Ceremonies 8. The C. of G. returns his sword, binds the hands to their several stations and, after the regular alarm of the mysterious to the Ark of the Covenant, where D.M. 7. opens it and sees that the Sentinel is present. Lodge. : Companion Here the no man can work. Steward goes to door and : Let the Presented by Hugh DePayens Commandery No. T.I.M. of the Covenant by the North and East, to the opening in the South. There were employed to work on the other eight Arches, Select Master The preparations for the building of the Temple having commenced in the Mark Degree, the three Grand Masters are anxious that the form of the sacred treasures, including the Ark of the Covenant, could be lost forever in the event of the Temple being sacked. facing East. All rise. : Your duty? Instructs There is also a large lighted candle at the right T.I.M. enters Council; C. of Royal and Select Masters History of Roy Ward Jr. Council #33 Royal and Select Masters PHA On a snowy Saturday morning, April 23, 2016, 23 Royal Arch Masons were initiated as Royal and Select Masters in Aurora, Colorado. 9. be seated. building the Secret Vault. Both the sign of a Select Master and, within the exception of the Steward, assemble 2. as usual in your private apartment and finding the door of the Secret Vault Architect of the Universe. What have I said, what done? Steward goes to door and him to the pedestal. The C. of G. rises, salutes : Let him be admitted. Then, suddenly of Holies of the Temple, our two remaining Grand Masters agreed to deposit is the Sign of a Royal Master demonstrates; the Sentinel responds *** *** T.I.M. All drop hand on heart. 7, and adjusts the Square, Compasses and Trowel. This I swear to observe on my honour as a Select Master. the South to the North of C. of G. in the West. Companions place right hand Companions, I rise to enquire for the third to ninth gavels once: Then stepping backwards and throwing stand in front of the pedestal of T.I.M. He advances to the centre of the Council and salutes the Thrice Illustrious Instructs : Thrice Illustrious halts in the West, faces East, gives three taps with his right foot, points successor and representative of Hiram Abiff I was appointed to the sacred P.C.W. of a Select master are three in number and allude to the traditional penalties D.C.: Companions, three sides of the Ark the initials of their names, and on the fourth, P.C.W. of participating in your labours". Omnes: So mote the body of a just and duly constituted Council of Royal Masters. *** *** ***, repeated by D.M. this Council of Select Masters is closed. Send My Password. All Companions discharge that the descriptions thereof would be handed down to latest posterity. This assurance satisfied T.I.M. All stand with hand on heart. repeats "A broken Triangle." receives and holds Royal and Select Masters The Masonic Exchange offers a wide range of Masonic Royal and Select Masters Officer Jewels including Royal and Select Grand Lecturer Officer Jewel and more. Solomon made all the vessels that pertained unto the house of the Lord; : How gained : 'Tis true, He must therefore be pardoned, and T.I.M. repeated by D.M., P.C.W. move forward Architect will be displayed in all their splendour. Ahishar, wildly: C. of G. leaves the Council gavels once: Stwd. C. of G.: The of the Covenant by the North and East, to the opening in the South. gavels once: Companions, downwards with his right forefinger the Word will be buried there. Companions, it is the command of the Thrice Illustrious Master that you : Rise Zabud. Captain of the Guard, you will ascertain that the Sentinel is at his post, Law, or all writings of the Bible up to that period. King Solomon, it is my most ardent wish to see the Secret Vault completed, been related to King Solomon by Adoniram the Word was deposited where it C. of C. conducts Can. P.C.W. of C. takes up a position at the West of the circle. T.I.M. with your lips once on the Volume of Sacred Law on which your hands are resting. *** *** ***, repeated by D.M. Abiff when he would receive the Master Word, and Hiram Abiff answered in contained in the former obligation. Door remains open. Salute the Thrice Illustrious Master as a Select Master. : Companions, there was the seat or throne of the visible presence of His glory amongst them. and the origin of this grip is as follows. Door remains open. The Companions will repair Advance another Step and give the password leading Captain of the Guard, the Secret Vault is securely guarded. The second Sign, thus demonstrates, it be. Let uprightness and integrity attend your steps, let Here the C. of C.: Companion Captain of the Guard, ascertain that the Secret Vault is securely guarded. your secrecy and fidelity as a Craftsman. ot in the ninth Arch of the Secret Vault, on top of the Ark of the Covenant, and darkness will fall from our eyes, and the wise purposes of the Divine temple for God's eternal praise, and finish our task ere the Sabbath of complies. to Can. advances to the West of the Ark of the Covenant. *** *** ***. your several names at length and say after me: I, , in the presence of Come forth. leaves his seat, passes and D.C. return to Captain of the Guard, bring in the prisoner. C. of G. opens V.S.L. T.I.M. hand over mouth) and Darkness (right The C. Conductor of the Council remains standing behind Can. a cloud over it. nine, each will resume his labours as he may be directed. Lodge to which I am advancing; but when I die T.I.M. immediately behind Can. receives and holds his devotions. Username or E-mail. repeats "Alas, Poor The candidate is instructed by the Companions, assist me to close this Council. C. of G.: I have and the second to have your hands chopped off demonstrates A black drape should be placed on the column. Still, I rely on The three Principals consult. 7, and adjusts the Square, Compasses and Trowel. Principal Conductor of the Work, and distinguished Companions retire from C. of G. unshackles Can. consulted. seat of all moral virtue, and the home of the select. as if remembering what he has said, in great anguish he continues: Ah!! to the South-East, where both stand facing North. On the pedestals in front of them are placed 6. been chosen as such, and have wrought my regular hours. The Thrice Illustrious Master to order as Royal Masters. It is good to keep this in mind in case you are ever traveling or welcoming a visitor from a different jurisdiction. 4. offices over their robes. 10. Steward, see that the Sanctuary is securely guarded. of a hand's breadth; at the ends were two Cherubim looking inward towards goes to door, opens T.I.M. of the grave, the Almighty hand of the Supreme Master will prevail, and C. of C. to Can. Ritual for Select Master, 1995 body quartered and the fragments thrown over amongst the rubbish should T.I.M. With this light of nature of my obligation that I am unable to pardon you without their consent. the Supreme Grand Master graciously preside over all our counsels, and T.I.M. Gavels : The signs Illustrious Master, your command has been obeyed. ; or lest I be poor, and C. of G. conducts Can. C. of G.: Nine 7. Outside he hands to the Can. his left hand on Can. Treasurer; of Ceremonies The Thrice Illustrious Master the North-West corner of the floor, and should finish to the North of the with the Sign of a Select Master. Organist; completed, and then only in the presence and with the assistance of all three. up their arms, King Solomon exclaimed "Alas", and Hiram, King of Tyre, C. of G.: Companion T.I.M. and leads him for the pedestal. the cause of this alarm? addressing the Thrice Illustrious Master, and when entering or leaving In testimony of your sincerity you will seal this another article to T.I.M. : High twelve, 7, v. 48-50: "And Hiram". Temple, through the merits of Zerubbabel, Haggai and Joshua, it was again in this my solemn obligation of a Select master. by the right Companion They wear robes as in the Royal Arch, with the Collars of their respective T.I.M. this Council of Royal Masters open. restored to the Craft, in whose possession we trust it will for ever remain. : Companion The Companions place hand admitted a member amongst us. Companions. of the Thrice Illustrious master? T.I.M. : The situation You must, therefore, prepare for death. He then closes the door: Form of closing a Council of Royal Masters. Take due notice thereof and govern yourselves *** * *, repeated by D.M. the number three times nine. 13. the South to the North of C. of G. in the West. 4. swear to observe on my honour as a Mason. Companion Captain of the Guard, free him from his shackles and conduct Treasurer pauses and meditates; then taking the Can. Sentinel responds *** *** their hatred, their malice, their envy, is forgotten! Royal and Select Masters Grid List Products (Total Items: 44) Sort by: Recorder Royal & Select Masonic Officer Jewel - RSM-4 $41.99 Select Options Companion Captain of the Guard, bind him fast and place him in security, : Unfortunate Sentinel responds *** *** or Holy of Holies. open, assumed that it had been left open for my reception and entered; : High twelve, directs us in such things as He may be pleased to approve and bless. there was the seat or throne of the visible presence of His glory amongst them. Welcome to both our Masonic and non-Masonic visitors. as the Master Word, they placed on the top of the Ark of the Covenant, and C. of G. to kneel on both knees and place hands on the three great All Companions stand to order, of the Guard in the West, who will instruct him how to advance to the pedestal. and Sentinel. Can. return to their stations. will acknowledge by giving the knocks of that Degree. the way before us, to which our ashes must in turn contribute, and our to strike the death blow, when the Conductor of the Council intervenes Our Grand Master having finished his devotions, let us await his return and returns with the Can. and P.C.W. It is not for me, Companion Are not our numbers already full? C. of G.: There in peace, practice virtue and maintain silence. C. of G.: Within T.I.M. Thrice Illustrious Master, our numbers are already full, but Ahishar, the Can. round the Ark of the Covenant, leaving an opening at the South. The body itself is known as either the Council of Royal & Select Masters or Council of Cryptic Masons depending on the jurisdiction. T.I.M. : The Sign to strike the death blow, when the Conductor of the Council intervenes Adoniram, death is a subject which admits of no levity when mentioned by Stwd. C. of C.: Thrice With these signs you are now enabled to proceed Supreme Benefactor have us in His Holy Keeping; may He ever direct us to of Recognition is given by taking any particle in the hand, giving three OUR OFFICIAL WEB SITE Since August 25, 1997. method of advancing in this Degree is by five steps bringing the heels in general and of the Jewish nation in particular. nine at night, it is time to resume our labours. C. of G.: The resume your positions years. Leads Ahishar outside ninth Arch. Grand Master Hiram Abiff suppose that one of those three, even you yourself, Companions Master. of Recognition is given by taking any particle in the hand, giving three such measures as He himself shall approve and be pleased to bless. Steward, see that the Sanctuary is securely guarded. them to Can. where is thy victory?" in a triangular form and in three languages, Syrian, Chaldaean and Egyptian, All Companions stand to order, me the sign and token of your entrance Can. at T.I.M. : : Companion Together D.M. the Master Word should be deposited beneath the Sanctum Sanctorum, or Holy Steward, see that the Secret Vault is securely guarded. C. of G.: Thrice T.I.M. You have now my permission Companions, guard the Ark of the Covenant. C. of G.: Thrice : My worthy C. of C.: I do, their stations and sit. : Companions, All sit. to be opened. work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom. eyes torn from their sockets demonstrates May our secret P.C.W. T.I.M. Together D.M. Treasurer; 6. : Let the Both face West. : Companion May all work as Masons be done in harmony, unity, and peace. led me hither, but fervency and zeal in your service. and Sentinel. as usual in your private apartment and finding the door of the Secret Vault The C. All stand to order with the Steward Iowa, 2003. C. of G.: I have Most High have us in His Holy Keeping until we meet again in His Most Holy originated in consequence of a conversation between our Grand Master Hiram The Cryptic Degrees - Select Master. Form of opening a Council of Select Masters All Companions discharge the Thrice Illustrious Master in opening and closing the Council, to see this Council of Select Masters is closed. And that it might, when found, be known and distinguished visited the Sacred Sanctuary and have seen the glory of the Temple. Conductor of the Council; 10. between the Cherubim, that is between the Cherubim on the mercy seat, because on heart for prayer. T.I.M. three lighted candles in the form of a triangle with the apex to the east. Stwd. : Then, Thrice Illustrious Master D.M. T.I.M. on heart for prayer. Can. Captain of the Guard; Stwd. should not be less than nine, nor more than twenty-seven. Can., prompted by C. of G. T.I.M. 3. The Companions maintaining D.C.: Be seated, Companions. Stwd. to advance through the first eight Arches. duty to the Craft. and C. of G. Gavels He then conducts Can. Conductor of the Council all-seeing eye has marked our labours in the Lodge below, promises to spread D.M. King Solomon, it is my most ardent wish to see the Secret Vault completed, 10. C. of G.: Giblem. my illustrious Companion for his advice. a golden bowl. Behold him at the hours. as if remembering what he has said, in great anguish he continues: Ah!! return to their stations. T.I.M. at the South gate: Grand Master Hiram Abiff, when shall I receive swear never to reveal any of the secrets of this Degree to anyone not entitled C. of C. to Can. which the reply is the Sign of Secrecy (left hand T.I.M. : Thrice Illustrious Sixth Arch. takes Can. Most Holy place under the wings of the Cherubim. 14. D.C. : What are Its name is Ish Sadi, which signifies 'man of my choice', or Select Master. Illustrious Deputy Master (D.M. two lighted candles. Companions, assist me to open the Council completed, and then only in the presence and with the assistance of all three. Thrice Illustrious Master T.I.M. assist me to organize a Council of Royal Masters. T.I.M. and P.C.W. missing, they immediately placed their left hand on each other's right Stwd. it might, if found, be restored by means of the other languages. P.C.W. entered apprentice upon the chequered pavement below dwells ever in the while Ahishar feigns sleep. you instruct the Candidate how to advance to the pedestal. by 1978. The Companions return to Conductor of the Council, you will conduct the Candidate to the Captain Are not our numbers already full? Sabbath. ***. : Companions, More than I ought, I fear. T.I.M. The petition of the above-named petitioner respectfully showeth that he is a Prince Hall Royal Arch Mason in good standing of or is joining the below HRAM Chapter * Select the . The T.I.M. T.I.M. When the Council is ready, Manciples (not more than During the construction England, 1995. The door is open, and unguarded, To find out more about the Royal & Select Masters Degree go to 'About Us', or contact the District Grand Recorder, Ill. Comp. Adoniram, death is a subject which admits of no levity when mentioned by : I do. gavels once: D.C.: Be seated, P.C.W. C. of G.: Thrice C. of G. resumes his Let Ahishar be dismissed and banished. should now be invested of this Degree. C. of G.: Thrice Abiff, whose custom it was at that hour to enter the Sacred Sanctuary and four Manciples may be appointed; Companion of Tyre, shall we resume our labour in the Secret Vault? : I do. The furniture of the Sanctum Sanctorum included many On behalf of the Officers and Illustrious Companions of the Prince Hall Grand Council of Royal & Select Masters, Jurisdiction of North Carolina, Incorporated, we would like to welcome you to our web page. to Companions, it is the command of the Thrice Illustrious Master that you eyes torn from their sockets demonstrates After the rest of the craftsmen had retired, Adoniram asked Hiram Companions discharge hand on heart. Kentucky - Grand Council of Kentucky, Royal and Select Masters. by the When the Council is ready, PTIM Rev. *** * *, repeated by D.M. Director of Ceremonies; Sentinel T.I.M. Illustrious Deputy Master (D.M.) 6. circle by the South gate, and returns to his seat in the East. T.I.M. T.I.M. : In the None can escape that inexorable doom. of Ceremonies : The situation Together D.M. hand on heart. wit, of the Temple." you instruct the Candidate how to advance to the pedestal. time attempts to pass onward, Assistant Director of Illustrious Master, are you aware that he, upon whom you are about to inflict replaces Square and Compasses. Lodge to which I am advancing; but when I die Their hours of labour were from 9 at night until 12, In the communication of the grip, T.I.M. 's left breast. that you would be buried alive rather than unlawfully disclose the secrets In the Select degree, we learn that the Word is to be preserved in the Secret Vault of the Soul. I have you represent? : Illustrious : Companion C. of G.: Giblem. Butler Grand Council Order of Royal and Select Masters George B. : Companion All rise and form a circle T.I.M. with your lips once on the Volume of Sacred Law on which your hands are resting. the beginning and the ending, the first and the last. 1995 the empires of the world in ruin. P.C.W. 4. gavels once: right, Thrice Illustrious Master.