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He then threw the axe into the sea. I remember seeing that on tv as a teenager and it still freaks me out today to even think about it. . Like most information about these catacombs, only Ukrainian cave explorers even claim to know the details. One story stands out among the rest, and that is the story of Masha. If the area near School 56 had no groundwateror clandestine wine or mushroomsthere would have been nothing for her to eat or drink. A wrong turn can mean death in these tunnels and every step might reveal some unseen horror. It would have been utterly black. It was meant as a sort of warning for others to stay away, but it also lured urban explorers to the site with growing regularity. Her parents called the authorities who went to the site and began to search. ( CC BY SA 4.0 ). During WWII, although the Soviets had been forced out of the city, they left behind dozens of soviet-organized Ukrainian rebel groups hidden below the city in the expansive catacombs. The largest catacomb system in the world. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. In another instance, a little more information was brought to light: in 2015, a man was sentenced to 13 years in prison for killing a girl in the catacombs. The group supposedly went to the police, but they were still reluctant to go in to retrieve the body because it was literally miles from the entrance. Post author: Post published: 22/06/2022 Post category: brenda payne hendersonville, tn Post comments: criminal fraternities 18th century criminal fraternities 18th century Were heading underground to find out whether the tunnels are truly empty. Unfortunately, this area was unmapped, and quite dangerous. "Besides the original photographer," a post says, "there isn't one person, civilian or law enforcement, that can confirm the story. The legend goes a little something like this: In 2005, a group of teenagers headed out on New Year's Eve (or New Year's Day, depending on the source) to have a little party. There's an image that you may been seen that's been going around for several years. One of them decided to give it a try, they turned the handle and the door swung open. Whether that person is an innocent partygoer, a Satanist, or a Ukrainian drunk who took a few steps too many into the darkness, it sends imaginations soaring because it conjures the exact kind of nightmarish, lonely death everyone fears the most. Shortly after this, the mapping of a large unexplored area known as K-29 began. If she'd wandered into isolation, maybe to find a secluded spot to relieve herself, it's easy to imagine she was beyond screaming distance. She would have gotten delirious, convulsed, and slipped irreversibly into a coma around the third day, not that she would have noticed the days passing. While going into the catacombs is not illegal, there is only one small portion of the catacombs that is officially open to the public, which can be seen at the Museum of Partisan Glory in Nerubayskoye, north of Odessa. ( onyx124 /Adobe Stock). ( gorinov /Adobe Stock). Some time later, when the group was ready to call it a night and head home, they noticed Masha was missing. Fake? Belief in malevolent spirits inhabiting the human body has persisted across cultures for millennia. Adventures in Ukraine: Odessa Catacombs. The labyrinths are also unique by being largely unexplored and un-commercialized. Especially when you consider the fact that the distance between Odessa and Paris is roughly 2138 km (1328.49 miles). They began to drink, and occasionally worked up the courage to go inside the mine, taking a few steps in before turning around and running back out. The trek lasted 27-hours, and covered about 25 miles (40 kilometers). One of the reasons the catacombs of Odessa stand out is because they are by far the worlds longest catacombs. During New Year's Eve celebrations in 2005, she and her friends had one drink too . What are you a professional corpsologist? Katakomby. They go on multi-day underground treks, known as expeditions, to document and map the system. But at some point in the night Masha decided to explore the catacombs. It doesn't seem too unbelievable to me that a group of kids exploring where they're not supposed be might not report a long -dead body. By some estimates, they span 1,550 miles, making the network a little longer than the whole Pacific coastline of the continuous United States. [citation needed], There have been various reports of people walking into the catacombs, getting lost and then eventually dying of dehydration. The mystery person was of no value at all, Pugovkin says. In the 19th century, most houses in Odesa were built of limestone that was mined nearby. With over 1,000 known entrances, exploration is exceptionally dangerous. If she was lucky, she died quickly from the cold . But some places just arent meant to be explored. Maybe her path forked a few times, and she lost track of the pattern. Pacific coastline of the continuous United States. "The diggers determined it was a Satanist who got lost.". A large portion of these tunnels due to the sheer extent and the number of corridors remains completely unexplored. Every story is true, and each one is a real place you can visit. [5], Only one small portion of the catacombs is open to the public, within the "Museum of Partisan Glory" in Nerubayskoye, north of Odesa. Odessa Catacombs: Day 1 Odessa, Ukraine. The group of friends, he wrote, had all stayed there overnight, then left the next morning, but abandoned Masha, either accidentally or on purpose, and she was unable to find her way out. But one thing that this city of one million citizens hides, and a fact that many who visit it are totally unaware of, are the sprawling catacombs beneath its streets. Winner will be selected at random on 04/01/2023. I am sure you are familiar with his legend which states that he was born in a manger surrounded by shepherds, about The Tiara of Saitaphernes: Wow Antique? The remaining catacombs (3-5%) are either natural cavities or were excavated for other purposes such as sewerage. ", He told us he then dragged the body to the police medical examiner's office, about five miles from the entrance Masha would have used. [Online] Available at:, Thuras, D. Odessa Catacombs. Our story begins sometime early in 2005, when a party (possibly for New Years) was allegedly held within the catacombs by a group of young adults. aeries parent portal madera. Were theonlyPop Archaeology site combining scientific research with out-of-the-box perspectives. Stop by the blog every day this month for true tales of the unquiet dead. Like Atlas Obscura and get our latest and greatest stories in your Facebook feed. Today we find ourselves wandering the largest catacomb system in the world. Padlocks cover this rickety footbridge with love. All rights reserved. I'm not sure I believe the photo is fake. "The diggers determined it was a Satanist who got lost.". masha odessa catacombs photo An underground paleo-Christian burial site composed of the remains of several cemeteries and Basilicas. The Museum of Partisan Glory is located in a part of the catacombs north of Odessa, and it is the only underground museum in Ukraine. Most of the diggers I talked to believed that he actually faked the whole thing and started a new life somewhere, but still look out for anything related to him below. These men and women remained hidden, living in the catacombs. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. They're not the safest places to be either. There are even tales of Nazi executionsand cultists, not to mention a ghost story or two; however, the most famous of thecatacomb legends is probably that of agirl named Masha, who went into the maze of passagesand wasn't found until years later. It`s a dead body of the 19-years old girl, who has lost the right way in the maze. With tunnels that run up to 2,500 kilometers, the Odessa Catacombs are considered the world's largest urban labyrinth, significantly larger than the one in Paris, among others. Some objects are especially prized because the story about them is so precious. Before long, the other teens gave up looking for her and left, figuring she'd already gotten out, or would get out on her own soon. Pearl did interview another man, Kostya Pugovkin, who claimed to have dragged the corpse in the photograph up and to a police station in the hope of getting a reward; Pugovkin stated that he was told by others that the dead person was "a Satanist who got lost". Relics of the past in the Odessa catacombs, Ukraine. It does seem to be a urban legend but it's still creepy as hell! As it turns out, many people still venture into the darkness seeking adventure. Pugovkin told us the elder Stendzenieks was offering a reward to anyone who could find his son, and some people he called "diggers"manual laborershad tipped off the authorities about a body two to three miles from an entrance to the catacombs. 2023 Atlas Obscura. See. Her partially mummified body was discovered two years later by amateur explorers. His descriptions of his journeys into the dark were tantalizing tales of adventure. A group of urban explorers were pushing deeper into the mines, into one of the most unexplored areas, when they came across the body of a woman. Despite very extensive searches neither his body, nor any clues about his fate were found. Replies analysing and speculating over the mystery and possible explanations are encouraged. They're the backdrop for the tragic tale of Masha, an innocent partygoer who ventured down into the depths with some friends, took a wrong turn or two, and got lost forever. By signing up to the VICE newsletter you agree to receive electronic communications from VICE that may sometimes include advertisements or sponsored content. Perhaps the most popular of catacombs is beneath the city of Paris, France. [1] Parts were used as air-raid shelters during World War II. There is, however, a portion of the catacombs that is open to the public within the Museum of Partisan Glory in Nerubayskoye, north of Odessa. 2017. She appeared to be on her hands and knees, in a crawling position. 2023 Atlas Obscura. ( Artem Merzlenko /Adobe Stock). "During the time she was inside, her 'friends' didn't try to take her body out," Lata wrote, guessing that they were "frightened.". Come for the severed heads, stay for the book bound in human skin. Atlas Obscura. The Bohemian Blog. "It was hard to get to the top of the shaftit was like nine floors, tiers with skinny ladders between them. Odessas catacombs quickly became the preferred hideout of rebels, criminals, and eccentrics. Did A Girl Really Die In The Endless Odessa Catacombs After - Ranker Even after the "Masha," episode, Lata continued to explore the catacombs. Catacombs below Odessa, Ukraine. [Online] Available at:, Pronin, K. . Every weekday we compile our most wondrous stories and deliver them straight to you. In the morning, they braved the morning cold to get back to hearth and home. This is what happens when you get lost in the catacombs of Odessa While you may have never heard of the Odessa catacombs, they are filled with legends and dark tales that you'll never forget. Many of the partisan groups lived in the catacombs for the entirety of the rest of the war, and on occasion the partisan groups even managed to blow up German facilities. [7], A 2015 investigation by Vice writer Mike Pearl similarly found no evidence that Masha had existed. Explorers make gruesome discovery inside Odessa Catacombs - Week In Weird I used to go caving for fun and turning off your lights for a minute when you're with friends is kind of neat but walking out of a cave alone with that absolute blackness behind you nope nope nope. According to Pugovkin, someone else had vanished in 2004: Janis Stendzenieks, the son of a newspaper magnate named Armand Stendzenieks. Such tours are not officially sanctioned[4] because the catacombs have not been fully mapped and the tunnels themselves are unsafe. is Halloween. Understanding the Mysterious Kingdom of Shambhala, The Green Children of Woolpit: Legendary Visitors from Another World, Medieval Sea Monster Was Likely a Whale, New Research Reveals, Adventist Adventurer Claimed to Have Found Ark of the Covenant Beneath Crucifixion Site, Iron Age Comb Made from Human Skull Discovered Near Cambridge, Caesars Savage Human Skewers Unearthed In German Fort, The Evidence is Cut in Stone: A Compelling Argument for Lost High Technology in Ancient Egypt, A Blazing Weapon: Unraveling the Mystery of Greek Fire. When we think of catacombs, we think of underground tunnels and chambers, locations where bodies were stored in lieu of a cemetery. Ancient Origins 2013 - 2023Disclaimer- Terms of Publication - Privacy Policy & Cookies - Advertising Policy -Submissions - We Give Back - Contact us. Perhaps they will never be. Descending into the darkness below the world, you are thrust headfirst into a deeply disturbing realm. Over the years there have been numerous reports of people venturing into the catacombs, getting lost, and eventually dying of dehydration never to be seen again. Thegoal of Ancient Origins is to highlight recent archaeological discoveries, peer-reviewed academic research and evidence, as well as offering alternative viewpoints and explanations of science, archaeology, mythology, religion and history around the globe. She lies on her left side, legs curled like she's sleeping, while the upper half of her decomposing body has lost its form. Based on what was later found, it is believed that Masha stumbled around in the catacombs for at least three days, starving, thirsty, alone, and in the dark. Disturbing Tales of the Mysterious Catacombs Beneath Odessa. Either way, the main portion of these catacombs was begun in earnest in the 19th century and onwards, with stone being quarried to be used in the building of the houses of the city above. Enjoy.". After 73 days of vicious fighting, the town fell and was annexed to become a part of newly formed Transnistria Governorate under Romanian administration. ", "That's why I really beg you not to try to walk underground in Odessa itself. According to the investigation of the incident, the man was with a group of friends, and had been drinking with the young girl. But Masha had not gone home. It is one of the world's largest urban labyrinths, running up to 2,500 kilometres (1,600mi). What started as an ancient Greek colony, in time turned into a metropolis a crucial seaport and an economic hub. Inside, they saw a flight of stairs leading down into the catacombs. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. There you will find the legend of Masha. There are stories of industrious winemakers and mushroom growers who go down there regularly to leave their product to age or grow, confident no one will find it and interfere. In the decades after the war, the tunnels became a safe haven for smugglers and criminals and they made more tunnels. On January 1st 2005, a young Ukranian teenage girl named Masha put on her make-up, packed up some champagne, and headed out for her New Years Eve nights party. As I said earlier, a lot of people lost and even . And what awaits is a journey that comes so eerily close to something from the pages of Metro 2033 or the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. The remains of more than 1,000 people lie deep under the modern town of Rabat. Like us on Facebook to get the latest on the world's hidden wonders. The post featured a graphic photo of what appeared to be a decaying corpse in the catacombs, which Lata claimed was Masha's body. Beneath the city of Odessa, and also its outskirts, lie a labyrinth-like network of tunnels, known as the Odessa Catacombs. masha who died in the catacombs. The group had to come clean. Kostya Pugovkin, who identified himself as a veteran of Ukraine's Antiterrorist Operation based in Odessa, claims to be the one who personally hefted the body in that photograph out of the depths. Everywhere, hidden in the niches and the stone nooks, lie scribbled and faded poems, warnings and pleas. The Iliad can provide new insights on the role of motherhood among the ancient Greek gods, and by extension, amongst ancient mortal Greek women themselves. Oddly, Lata told us the person responsible for the official Catacombs websiteand the one calling him a liaris "one of the most experienced Odessa catacombs explorers and my best friend." Part of the catacomb network, Odessa, Ukraine . As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. No doubt, many bodies remain hidden in the mines. Even if they managed to find an entrance that was accessible, they were not to venture inside. However, the catacombs began to truly grow into their astonishing, labyrinthine form in the early 1800s, when the limestone quarried from them was used to build much of the city. They look like my hiking boots, and I'm a woman. There is a rumor that the catacombs contain the stacked corpses of murdered Jews from World War II. But one such find could not remain a secret. On January 1st 2005, a young Ukranian teenage girl named Masha put on her make-up, packed up some champagne, and headed out for her New Years Eve nights party. But even though the city fell, its citizens didnt give up the fight. I mean it's Vice. The Tiara of Saitaphernes is certainly one of these priceless objects and its story is long and surprising. They tried to ignore the malnutrition and malaria which afflicted many of them. In 2011, a male murder victim was found by chance in the catacombs after he had been dead for three to six months. Irish Urban Explorations. Follow us on Twitter to get the latest on the world's hidden wonders. The Odessa catacombs are a very complicated system of natural tunnels, mines, bunkers, and caves that are predominantly a result of mining with the earliest excavations beginning in the 19th century. They're also a pretty good place to stage a murder. In 2005, after a couple of drinks, a group of enthusiastic Odessa teens decided to continue their party down in the catacombs. In the case of the Odessa Catacombs, they are a labyrinth-like network of tunnels under the city of Odessa. odessa catacombs dead body masha - Although the tunnels are mostly limestone mines used to build the city, they have a storied history which includes Nazi executions during WWII and legends of a small replica of the Titanic made of solid gold among other things. Like us on Facebook to get the latest on the world's hidden wonders. Sad mother monument, made in stone in the Odessa catacombs . TheOdessa catacomb death legend has been supported by witnesses, as well as photos and even a few news articles, but there's not much as far as hard facts go. Hundreds of partisans, or rebels, took to hiding in the catacombs. Underrated Cinematic Survival Competitions, Great Movies About Missions Doomed from the Start, Survival Myths to Unlearn Before It's Too Late, Must-See Newer Survival Movies and TV Series, Great Movies About Kids Trying to Stay Alive, People Believe A Girl Died In The Endless Odessa Catacombs, But The Mystery Goes Much Deeper, the group had continued to explore the catacombs, a man was sentenced to 13 years in prison for killing a girl in the catacombs. She went deeper into the catacombs, walking alone in pitch black, with no food or water, and has never been heard since. View all photos. Of course parents saying not to do something usually encourages kids to do that very thing. Unfortunately for Masha, this was not the case. masha who died in the catacombs - Detachment of Molodtsov near Odessa Catacombs. They decided to do this inthe Odessa catacombs, where they could have some privacy, drink, and have fun with a little added creep factor. 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