2901 E Miraloma Ave # 11. The mustached and long-tusked walrus is most often found near the Arctic Circle, lying on the ice with hundreds of companions. Not a good idea. True b. 5 unmissable foods that unlock Jordans culinary scene, How to plan the ultimate Silk Road adventure, A Pacific walrus (Odobenus rosmarus divergens), a subspecies of walrus, photographed at Ocean Park in Hong Kong, Photograph by Joel Sartore, National Geographic Photo Ark. If two or more people own similar items separately, you will apply rules of plural possession (further explained below). Your name is singular, because you ","noIndex":0,"noFollow":0},"content":"

Singular nouns that end in s present special problems. These marine mammals are extremely sociable, prone to loudly bellowing and snorting at one another, but are aggressive during mating season. Over time, rosmhvalr evolved into hrosshvalr in Old Icelandic and rostkalv in Old Norwegian before becoming walrus in Dutch. This indicates that something belongs to a single walrus, such as its habitat or tusks. and are about 2.7 to 3.6 m (9-12 ft.) long. Which country agreed to give up its claims to the Oregon territory in the Adams-onis treaty? Walrus noses are sensitive enough to detect the approach of predators and to identify young. Possessive nouns say who owns or has something. "Class Ace is the favorite part of my students' day." You can specify conditions of storing and accessing cookies in your browser. 11 March 2008. 10000+ results for 'singular and plural possessive nouns'. As the Earth's average temperature increases, more and more ice in the polar region recedes. The singular possessive form of the word movie is movie's, Continue Learning about English Language Arts. To show that one person, animal, or thing owns something, use a singular possessive noun. Dominance in herds is established by tusk length, body size, and aggressiveness. The two subspecies of walrus are divided geographically. They'll eat pretty much any bottom dweller including worms, snails, crabs and sea cucumbers. What is the word that goes with a public officer of a town or township responsible for keeping the peace? We are all mermaids in the womb. They are pink in warm weather when tiny blood vessels in the skin dilate and circulation increases. If the name of a singular owner ends in the letter s, you may add only an apostrophe, not an apostrophe and another s. But if you like hissing and spitting, feel free to add an apostrophe and an s. Sentence B is correct because Woodses is a plural, not a possessive. When a single someone or something has possession of another object, you simply add an apostrophe -s to the end of the word. Do they have to give members warning before they bar you? Both males and females have tusks. The second sentence sounds better. Special Offer on Antivirus Software From HowStuffWorks and TotalAV Security. Keep reading to learn how walruses have adapted to endure the harsh climate. The singular possessive pronoun for walrus is its. The Woodses are a large group.\n

Answer: Another trick question. First, lets establish the rules for forming the possessive form of singular nouns. All rights reserved. If the name of a singular owner ends in the letter s, you may add only an apostrophe, not an apostrophe and another s. But if you like hissing and spitting, feel free to add an apostrophe and an s. Both versions are acceptable. 5. B. Daily Activity Cycle. When students talk about you, they may say. When students talk about you, they may say,

Ms. My whole family got together for Thanksgiving. A walrus has about 400 to 700 vibrissae (whiskers) in 13 to 15 rows on its snout. By entering your email address and clicking the Submit button, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy & to receive electronic communications from Dummies.com, which may include marketing promotions, news and updates. Singular Noun The hare planted corn. You know how teachers are.). Walruses appear quite pale in the water; after a sustained period in very cold water, they may appear almost white. "If it's plural and ends in s, add an apostrophe to the end; otherwise, add apostrophe s." "Cat" is not plural, so we form the possessive by adding apostrophe s: "cat's". For example, "the flower's petals" or "the phone's screen." . Where is the tallest General Electric Building located? She is the author of English Grammar For Dummies, SAT For Dummies, and Research Papers For Dummies. In addition, a walrus possesses anywhere from 400 to 700 whiskers in 13 to 15 rows around the nose. Sentence B calls for more saliva, but it follows the rule. The walruses cries echoed through the foggy morning air. The mustached and long-tusked walrus is most often found near the Arctic Circle, lying on the ice with hundreds of companions. For example: "The cat food is delicious." "Cat" is the noun, and "food" belongs to the cat. What sunscreens are best for youand the planet? Now that you know the singular and plural forms of walrus and how to form their possessive forms, youre ready to take on writing about walruses. Determine the mass of CaCl2.2H20 (MW 147.02 g/mole) to weigh out using a four- place analytical balance to prepare 100 mL of a 0.1005 M solution of Ca Singular possessive nouns are easy. Despite how easy it is to use apostrophes properly, they are often used incorrectly. The apostrophe came into English from French in the 16th century. In general, younger individuals are darkest. Acting as adjectives, possessive nouns modify the nouns or pronouns with which they are used. In fact, walruses consume approximately 4.2 percent to 6.2 percent of their body weight each day [source: Burns]. emily17143 emily17143 12/09/2020 Chemistry High School answered Is the singular possessive noun of walrus is walrus's? Oct 14, 2008. (CH3COO)2+redP +Cl2. long over most of the body. This means they may become separated from their young. CalifJim. However, even in casual writing, this particular contraction can confuse readers and disrupt their engagement with your writing, so try to avoid it as much as possible. elialiyah13. The kite that belongs to Sara = Sara's kite. Walruses haul out on ice or land to rest and care for their young. Both versions are acceptable. As a result, mothers may have to travel farther to reach feeding and resting grounds. The answer has to do with sound. How'd she do it? Teachers: We supply a list of EFL job vacancies. This proved that the walruses population had increased steadily in recent years. Dummies helps everyone be more knowledgeable and confident in applying what they know. Tusks erupt during a calfs first summer or fall. We look forward to hearing from you. (enter a decimal number), 4P +502 2P2O5 Now, lets look at some examples of how to use the singular possessive of walrus in a sentence: The walruss whiskers were covered in ice after swimming in the frigid Arctic waters. So, now that you can take on the walrus just the word, mind you go forth and write with confidence! Each digit has a small and inconspicuous claw. Great job learning about singular possessive nouns! And if you cant find any clear guidance, stick to what most experts agree with, namely walruss.. Table of Contents What is the Plural Form of 'Sheep' Why is the Plural Form of 'Sheep' 'Sheep' Standard Pluralization Rules 2023 Grammarist, a Found First Marketing company. "Witnesses' description" means the "the description of mulitiple witnesses and implies an agreement or collaboration, while "witnesses' descriptions" means "the separate descriptions of multiple witnesses . How can you tell if a wild animal really needs your help? Whether youre talking about one or many, just remember: when it comes to the possessive, add an apostrophe, an s for singular, and just an apostrophe for plural. There are some variances to this rule when dealing with irregular plural nouns and proper plural nouns that end in -s. Those rules are explained as well. Finally, write five sentences of your own. Where is the tallest General Electric Building located? Tip: The apostrophe ' really comes after the s. It's not a typo! What is the possessive form of walrus? If you say the first sentence above, by the time you get to the word grammar youre hissing and spitting all over your listener. The primary functions of the tusks are establishing social dominance and hauling out onto ice or rocky shores. oxygen in the reaction? Most important in developing the central idea walruses breasted the waves in unison Possessives stump a lot of the walrus & # x27 ; s green paint looking! Lets look at this grammatical conundrum and find out once and for all! My whole family got together for Thanksgiving. I'm talking about the plural possessive. Explanation: I mean singular possessive. They molt again at about one to two months. So the grammar police have given in on this one. The singular walrus forms the normal possessive walrus's. When you buy via the links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission at no cost to you. Fingers hovering over the keys, you're paralyzed by the nagging question: do I stick a Possessive Form of Nicholas: Your Key to Flawless Writing. The foreflippers, or pectoral flippers, have all the major skeletal elements of the forelimbs of land mammals, but are shortened and modified. How co2 is dissolve in cold drink and why? Whether it be gazebo walls or pegs, lets take a look at how you can secure your gazebo from the . Advertisement. The coloration pales with age. Can The tpms sensors on a 2002 Ford Explorer can be activated using a magnet.. Singular Possessive Noun The bear wanted the hare's corn. I'm Stef and I'm passionate about writing, business, and marketing. Woodss grammar lessons cant be beat.


Ms. Sentence B calls for more saliva, but it follows the rule. C. 1.25 P: 10 The walruss tusk gleamed because the walrus brushed it for ten minutes after every meal.

Answer: Both are correct. Check it out. Vibrissae are attached to muscles and are supplied with blood and nerves. Tusks can grow to a length of 100 cm (39 in.) You know how teachers are. If you say the first sentence above, by the time you get to the word grammar youre hissing and spitting all over your listener. 3. , (a) what is the bond order of the n-o bonds in the nitrosyl chloride molecule? Female Pacific walruses weigh about 400 to 1,250 kg (882-2,756 lb.) A walrus has about 400 to 700 vibrissae (whiskers) in 13 to 15 rows on its snout. At 64, Diana Nyad swam from Cuba to Florida. The Walrus' teeth were sharp. Calves shed a fine prenatal coat, called lanugo, about two to three months before they are born. Englishman Write about the variety of student extracurricular 14. walrus activities at your school. Menu. The singular walrus forms the normal possessive. Sentence B is correct because Woodses is a plural, not a possessive. A singular noun is a noun referring to just one person . Which country agreed to give up its claims to the Oregon territory in the Adams-onis treaty? The walrus tusk gleamed because the walrus brushed it for ten minutes after every meal.\n

B. In other words, the plural of walrus is walruses.. The largest walruses with the longest tusks are the most aggressive and generate threat displays most often. With degrees in science, English, and literacy, she has worked to create cross-curricular materials to bridge learning gaps and help students focus on effective writing and speech techniques. What was the date of sameul de champlians marriage? So the grammar police have given in on this one. All rights reserved. It is thickest on the neck and shoulders of adult males, where it protects the animal against jabs by the tusks of other walruses. Then add only ' if it already ends in s. witnesses'. Apostrophe possession use can be summed up in two simple rules: application to singular ownership and application to plural ownership. Social dominance is well established in herds and subgroups. Theyre also quite large, with adult males weighing up to 2 tons or more and females exceeding 1 ton! Hair is densest on juveniles and becomes less dense with age. And we are very grateful for it because thats just one too many ses. The huddle of walruses snuggled together for warmth in the cold ocean waters. Sentence A breaks the old rule, but nowadays breaking that rule is acceptable. Walruss can indicate singular possessive or act as a contraction for walrus is. The two canine teeth in the upper jaw are modified into long ivory tusks. The Woods are a large group.
B. Apostrophes do more than show ownership; it is important to know their various uses to recognize when they are being used as a possessive function. Walruses are not picky, though. Now that we know what the plural form of walrus is, namely walruses, lets see how to form the plural possessive form. What years of time was the separate but equal doctrine the law of the land in the US? "Witness's description" and "witness' description" both mean "the description of the (singular) witness". What you must always do, however, is stay consistent in the possessive apostrophe use. We couldnt believe our eyes when we saw the herd of walruses. What specific section of the world do cannibals do not live? This punctuation mark is essential to show possession, and its placement provides clarity and consciousness in written materials. This could be devastating to the walruses because they depend on the ice shelves as a resting ground between dives. Within this website, you will now have access 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to commonly requested forms, useful highlighted links, and frequently asked questions regarding your benefit information. If the possessive noun already ends in an -s, you have a choice concerning the apostrophe placement. This site is using cookies under cookie policy . )


Try another set. When students talk about you, they may say,

Ms. If you have a hyphenated or compound plural noun you add an apostrophe -s to the end. As their favorite meals, particularly shellfish, are found near the dark ocean floor, walruses use their extremely sensitive whiskers, called mustacial vibrissae, as detection devices. SeaWorld And Busch Gardens Conservation Fund. A walrus's head is square and broad with conspicuous tusks and whiskers. Woods grammar lessons cant be beat.

Both of the sentences about you and your grammar lessons are correct. Sort of. Molting in walruses is gradual - individual hairs fall out and are replaced. The singular possessive form is father's. They exhibit social behavior all year and congregate by the hundreds. Determine the mass of KCl to weigh out using a four-place analytical balance to prepare 100 mL of a 1 M solution of KCI (MW 74.5513 g/mole). The frequent scars and lacerations seen on the necks and shoulders of adult males after the breeding season are evidence of tusking. \"https://sb\" : \"http://b\") + \".scorecardresearch.com/beacon.js\";el.parentNode.insertBefore(s, el);})();\r\n","enabled":true},{"pages":["all"],"location":"footer","script":"\r\n

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Both of the sentences about you and your grammar lessons are correct. Your name is singular, because you are only one person. Misuse of the apostrophe is a common grammar mistake when used to show joint ownership of an object. D. 5 P: 402, what will be the result of the reaction Clearly not something you want to mess with. What is the word that goes with a public officer of a town or township responsible for keeping the peace? Nostrils are closed in the resting state. Depending on their size, a herd of walruses can contain anywhere from tens to hundreds of individuals! 6. Singular Noun The hare planted corn. walrus singular possessive. Walruses live mainly in the frigid waters of the Arctic Ocean and are usually found near the coasts of Alaska, Canada, Russia, Greenland, and Norway. general surgeons vancouver / spanakopita dipping sauce sour cream. Walruses generally forage in groups at depths between 33 feet and 164 feet (10 m-50 m) and seem to prefer clams as a food source. If it's a proper noun add ' only Chris' tooth. The shallow waters where walruses like to feed now have little or no ice for mothers and babies to rest on when feeding. Eyes are small and located high and toward the sides of the head. Walruses use their tusks in dominance displays and as weapons. witnesses have. Most walruses have 18 teeth. boy's is a singular possessive noun. They use them to haul their enormous bodies out of frigid waters, thus their tooth-walking label, and to break breathing holes into ice from below. Paired nostrils are located on the snout above the vibrissae. Hair is about 7 to 12 mm (0.3-0.5 in.) For example, if you want to connect "do not," you can use an apostrophe to replace the second "o . What is the relationship between Commerce and economics? Great job learning about singular possessive nouns! (Yes, it was a trick question. +0. For example: The Queen's shoes. I also love to read, learn new things, and talk shop. Samantha Markle Net Worth 2019, For example, to write "the use of the word" as a possessive noun, this would be "word" plus an . An apostrophe is a comma that comes in between or after a certain letter in specific words. Walruses haul out in herds; they seldom haul out alone.Males and females form separate herds. Their blubbery bodies allow them to live comfortably in the Arctic regionwalruses are capable of slowing their heartbeats in order to withstand the polar temperatures of the surrounding waters. The two canine teeth in the upper jaw are modified into long ivory tusks. Are you allowed to carry food into indira gandhi stadium? Singular Possessive of Walrus: Walrus's. First, let's establish the rules for forming the possessive form of singular nouns. You may either place an apostrophe -s to the end or place only an apostrophe after the -s. Some style guides suggest one use over another, but the decision truly is up to you. On land, a walrus positions its foreflippers at right angles to the body for walking. In sentence A, the apostrophe is incorrect because plurals shouldnt have apostrophes unless they express ownership. Because the nodules appear at the time of puberty, they are presumed by some researchers to be a secondary sex characteristic.

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