At this rate, it's going to be cloud only as the consumer market dries up to nothing. Its one thing to drop the ball continuously, its another to refocus on Enterprise and the few customers they have with high end hardware and IoT. If they did that thenthe OS could be loaded on to a phone. I think MS has decided to maintain a strong footprint in games (XBox, PC) to ensure every so many years there are unique games that go with Xbox releases to differentiate from Sony. Maybe it's a symptom of their hiring practices and cost cutting, but too many people who work at MS don't actually like the company. Any software company THIS bad at software, why in the hell would I trust their Hardware. These Experts Are Racing to Protect AI From Hackers. Whether or not Microsoft want to admit it was their own decision to give up when in fact they had a growing market with thanks to the Nokia team. Nadella had to get that message or they will relegated to be the next IBM as others have said. Since taking the top job, he doubled down on artificial intelligence (A), social networking and cloud computing, while pushing the firm to become more collaborative, innovative and customer focused. Yeah, this will hurt them. The dual SIM system is great for when I travel it allows me to separate which contact I call on which SIM. It happpened to IBM, Sears, GE, GM, Kodak, BestBuy, Polaroid, and a host of others. Speaking at the Nov. 18 MIT AI and Work of the Future Congress, the Microsoft CEO envisioned a near future where jobs are "enriched by productivity.". Massive announcements regarding things like this being dribbled out, half way, in Tweets -- and by someone who is not the head of the company? Even Youtube apps are fine on Lumia 950 XL. Putting the best features of Windows on other eco systems isn't magically going to bring people over to MS. They tried social twice, android wear is a joke (Samsung, Fitbit, and Garmin rule with their own OSes), they failed at their first hardware division, and so on. Early last year, the ValueAct Capital hedge fund took a $2 billion stake in Microsoft and began agitating for change. Besides it offers some features copied in the latest iPhone x. - Increase in Consumer Disposable Income Nadella Satya can use the increasing disposable income to build a new business model where customers start paying progressively for using its products. On the immediate, serious side though - without mobile, their hopes for growing the end user - UWP - developer ecosystem is now down to, what - low to middle end Windows "S" devices? Enough People would buy them for Microsoft take the time to make amd market them. I will never understand how a software GIANT can be so damn bad as software. Developers may see it as a new platform, and knowing how MS dumped windows mobile, they are going to be afraid to put any work into software for andromeda, for fear it will be dumped a year or two down the road. MS has basically managed Windows Phone in the same light. Before slinging the "A" word around, try doing some research. Wake TFU Microsoft! What unlock shareholder value really means is sell off or spin off assets andgive the cash to shareholders. Which might be at odds with the long-term strategy of the company itself. I still think Windows Phone/Mobile was a better OS on the surface, and on iOS 11 and iPHone 8 I'm finally getting some features that I had on my 920 (wireless charging and email transcriptions to name a couple). The culprit is Microsoft, The culprit is Microsoft for marketing and manufacturing phones. Currently idk how Microsoft can do to become great again. Now just like me I probably will not buy a microsoft VR device. Satya Nadella is an Indian-American business executive who is best known for being the executive chairman and CEO of Microsoft.Before becoming CEO, he served as the executive vice president of the cloud and enterprise group of Microsoft.Satya has been the recipient of honors like the Financial Times' "Person of the Year", Fortune magazine's "Businessperson of the Year", and CNBC . Now I'm left with an unfinished project and what future? Is he really a CEO ? Simply because they never pay. Once they bought NOKIA, then that project was cancelled by Steve Ballmer. The faster release tempo is a good thing for consumers, but makes IT pros nervous. I currently have a 950XL. I look at this like eating at a restaurant that constantly gets your order wrong. They think they cannot lose the enterprise space, but IBM thought that about OS/2. And who know's if and when a Chrome o/s will suddenly pring up, hey? I think Microsoft should at least try to listen to us once.. Before abandoned windows phone platform totally.. You blame us not to buy you phone.. They stupidly justified every move of Microsoft instead of criticizing it. Can someone from WC actually get a quick interview with this CEO? MS, however, feel differently? Satya Nadella replaced billionaire Steve Ballmer as Microsoft CEO in 2014. Not every one of your products and services will be a cash cow. Windows 10 mobile finally intergrated with all of it's relative platforms through cloud syncing making it a hybrid of sorts between iPhone and Android, allowing an ideal environment for users to exist in a multiplatform ecosystem. I'm almost ready to throw in the towel on Windows Central. Then we get them bought by HP. I must confess that we use only Android and iOS phones in our household. It be a hobby you grew out of because u won't have a phone you need to babysit all the time like window mobile 10. \'he\'s got strong preferences,\' says satya. Facebook, Messenger, Line (in Taiwan, Japan), up coming iTunes, Netflix, Keeper, Instagram, TamperMonkey, Spotify, 8zip, etc. Satya Nadella, chief executive officer said in . Enter Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella. Instead of that they rushed W10 mobile out of door without propper testing and made the whole world to laugh at them Spending heavily to support your new business model is a good plan. I was convinced that they will push mobile and UWP until it succeed and it would. Nadella doesn't agree! Google Glass anyone? No Windows/Microsoft mobiles means no OS that makes Microsoft Office relevant. This has had to have had a big impact on Window 10 and its mobile ambitions. Their image is so strong that people want it blindly and make no mistake it will come truth in years to come (20 perhaps). Bought a spare battery. Emails? It is hard to believe but we are almost there. Nadella's job is to make Microsoft as profitable as possible, and I'm sure that he was under pressure from shareholders to cut the dead weight. Look I'm a fan, I was there, through it all, but this last one. is the last one. In my experience because too many didn't even realise it existed due to a total lack of marketing. Satya Nadella is the CEO of Microsoft, one of the world's largest and most influential technology companies. Microsoft are fools if they think that they have a future while withdrawing from the consumer market. Windows Phone was the middle ground between the jungle of inconsistency and trouble that was - and still is - Android, and the pretentious, fake shiny, limited walled garden of Apple. I am with the Windows ecosystem because that is what my desktops and laptops are. If this trend keeps up, there will be little to no need for our consultants to even know Microsoft products. and the world wide carriers will be afraid to deal with Microsoft smart phones under Satya Nadella's leadership. Clearly Microsoft doesn't see it. They could have moved the new Insider fork to just the X3 and kept a core group of loyalists happy while testbeding the tech. Only thing saving this company no is his firing or him doing at least one thing honorable, and quoting. Thats my list. Everyone was writing about the death of Windows Phone/Mobile, whilst fans were sticking up for it, and Microsoft simply ignored anything about it. Even as a placeholder? The thing barely had any exclusive games other than the usual Halo,Forza, GOW etc and before you know if we are already on a generation refresh with the One X. I"ve been abandoned with every MS product I've ever bought into: WinCE PDAs and phones, Win 8, 8.1, Zune, Surface RT, both the Band 1 and Band 2, Groove (Spotify sucks on my MS 950 and my Surface Pro 3). are consumers. - Implementation of Technology in Processes Even though Nadella Satya has integrated technology in the backend processes it has still not able to harness the power of technology in the front end processes. Why doesn't Microsoft modify Windows 10 to allow you to make phone calls? Plus, with WoA, a true plug-in Continuum experience running traditional Win32 apps in a desktop experience. How they turned their early lead, and the potential for synergy with Nokia into zilch is truly remarkable. They left for Android. Opportunities can emerge from various factors such as - political developments & policy changes, changes in consumer preferences, technological innovations, economic growth, and increase in consumer disposable income . Engage with consumer spaces that they have not traditionally engaged in so secure infotainment systems, this will allow to fine tune 5g tech and leverage azure with Cortana analytics. But this never happened at MS because too many people who were supposed to be shaping technology of the future would rather see iOS and Android be successful rather than their own product. At that time, the corporation's market capitalization was around $311 billion. No idea. March 2, 2022, 9:52 AM PST. Remove that potential of growth and you lose your major developer incentive. It is Satya's defeatism and lack of vision and conviction that led to this. MS has to get into mobile to stay relevant - even with business WP had no developer to speak of and there was 0% chance of it ever challenging Android oriOS. According to Herminia Ibarra, Aneeta Rattan, Anna Johnston of Satya Nadella at Microsoft: Instilling a Growth Mindset case study, this can lead to serious road blocks in future growth as information in silos can result can lead to missed opportunities in market place. Given how people flip when it comes to analytics and Microsoft. About the time I got around to rewriting the app, since it worked just fine keeping it as an 8 app I took my time, 10 was coming out. Percentages do not tell you the whole story. Mobile phones are not phones. What they haven't done is clearly shonw "what comes next" in mobile. Microsoft was among the first companies to exceed a $1 trillion valuation when it hit that milestone in April 2019. In 2007 he was elevated to senior vice president of research and development for the companys online services division, and he later served (201113) as president of Microsofts server and tools business, which annually generated some $19 billion in revenue. Not only has he failed loyal consumers multiple times, he continues to fail as a CEO in providing a true vision beyond what he wants for himself. Windows OS for Enterprise Google's main business model is the consumer. Unless/until hundreds of millions are sold, no one is going to write MOBILE apps for it, because developers have all been burned too many times. Hey Jason, thanks for this article. Now that Satya Nadella has takenthe reins from Steve Ballmeras CEO of Microsoft, he has just a few more hours before he has to stop the celebrating and getting-to-know-you interviews and get to work. I'm a full-time user of OneNote, One Drive, and Outlook. He joined Microsoft in 1992 and became CEO of the company in 2014. Enabling them to help lower insurance premiums for safe drivers, a vault for safe drivers of sorts. re-add all the phones that could run the creators update to the feature 2 branch or red stone branch. Actually after the 520 i equipped my family with 635, 640, and 830. Nonetheless, ValueAct was persistent enough to earn a seat on the Microsoft corporate board, which it will occupy next month. I feel betrayed and very disappointed. Other than that, this company is doomed. I am one of those MS loyalists who believed all the hype (now looking like BS) about Windows utility and productivity across all platforms. While working full-time at Microsoft, Nadella also earned (1997) a masters degree in business administration from the University of Chicago. What did we get, oh we are committed to WebOS and its future. Ive done most of the leg work already on what impact Nokia could have on Microsofts earnings, and it looked slight. HoloLens is cool and all but its not in consumers hands. Too late. , we specialize at analyzing & providing comprehensive, corporate SWOT Still hope Xbox is not yet another division to be dropped. I just ordered a Pixel 2, created a Google account and will begin to transition over time from Outlook, OneNote, OneDrive & Cortana to all the other Google apps and programs too. Leaders with inspirational motivation traits provide employees with a set of shared goals and the vision necessary to attain them. I must say I have enjoyed using windows phone but now it is causing a huge disappointment and frustration. If he really wants to show/repair this divide he has created by constantly abandoning consumers then its time to sit up, stick with the concept of windows phone/mobile, make a cup of coffee and figure it out.. No other way to do it.. A new product will not replace the loyalty and trust lost by throwing out windows phone (just like buying a new cone of ice cream doesn't replace the one that fell.. I have been a windows mobile / phone user for a many years. 96% of his compensation was performance-based, up from 71%. Jason Ward's synopsis "Nadella's broken consumer, developer, and OEM relationships will invariably affect the company's future." But until recently Surface and mobile were separate, meaning my statements about Surface would not apply to the 950 series. Anything you think Ive missed? Just my 2cts. Please used all the technology you bought from Nokia.. It's still a devkit not used but anybody relevant. I wonder if windows 10 will have same demise?, I'm still on 7 i don't like it, I think that MS has developed (pun intended) a reputation which will not be shaken. I only use Cortana as a quick launch for application on my PC. ButI would prefer not to (always) support the Apple fan-club thing or Google's super focus on ads and selling private data. Once, they held conferences announcing new operating systems and individuals went to the conference. He has spent the majority of his career working on enterprise software and was only recently appointed to lead Microsoft's consumer businesses. At the time of his promotion, he was leading Cloud, one of the most important core businesses MS was venturing into. W10/S/ARM will allcome up short becausethewhole damCORE idea depends on UWP to move forward. It works perfectly, we get updates each month that don't cause problems on the phone. I had faith in this guy initially but now he doesn't seem like he's the kind of guy who should be leading a multi-billion dollar company. After a mere 2 months, Microsoft pulled this phone, the Kin one and Kin two. What Microsoft lost is more than a windows mobile customer. Satya was most culpable of undercutting those within Microsoft trying to keep it alive, as he would say negative things about the platform and then drag his feet in clarifying. I think any decision he made was going to cost Microsoft something. I've heard about apps/software that can make an Android look like a Windows Phone home screen, but how much like the original are those softwares/apps? Absolutely correct. So is leaving some software out from,10 like gestures beta lol. How about that time Microsoft took you out to than new club called Microsoft Music -you were dazzled by the iTunes competitor and so, why not invest in a few songs. With great sadness, I powered off my Idol 4s for the last time last night and shortly aftert powered on my Note 8. I started with Windows CE 1.0 and went through all of the different iterations of mobile software that Microsoft shipped. Has strong global presence and a large distribution network. Meanwhile WP8.1 never filled the promise of true intergration with Windows NT core so it never worked with Windows seemlessly and ironically less so than WP7 did while iPhone always had iTunes desktop for Mac & PC! You're sad now but believe me, once you move to a stable and stress free phone you'll be happy. I was all in on Microsoft's services and hardware, by not providing me a mobile option they have lost me as a user. Until then we can enjoy the many new Universal apps on our superior Lumia 950 (XL) phones. Do you know what 8.1 brought for me? I guess I hold a mobile phone and NOT a smart phone in my hand within long when all apps are discontinued. I'm totally agree.. Andoroid's dominance as the most prevalent OS on the market was built on that, and the "App Gap" grew as a result of that. But developers need to be seriously wooed back to the Windows platform. If you get Stagelight, let me know ahead of time because I found a coupon code for all 3 platforms. So let's market a phone that is not a phone for the fear of recalling the big fiasco made out of 10% of mobile market share they made out of Windows Phone/windows 10 mobile. As far as reaching out to developers, I was a hobby developer for WP starting with 8,I made a simple application using the built in componentsand methods that Microsoft recommended. "We have to get past what we describe as 'productivity . Could the future hold the possibility that the CPU, RAM and personal data is to be find in the smart phone and that the docking stations holds GPUs, extra hard drives etc. The only thing I can see is them forking Android apps to work natively on the PC. The four key elements of SWOT analysis are - Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities & Threats. DAN HOWLEY: Satya Nadella has been Microsoft's CEO since February, 2014 and chairman of the board since 2021. Me too. Windows Azure, Microsofts IaaS and PaaS cloud computing could services slip given that Nadellas attention will be now more broadly distributed. And because of e-sim technology, OneCore etc. Satya is just like this but on steroids. As a famous man once said, "the evidence is incontravertible." The providers didn't offer them, andwhen they finally didget some in stock, he employees knew nothing about them and actively discouraged anyone from buying them. Hi Bai, that's a valid point. No vision equals no company. Balmer got it right when he wanted to populate users with inexpensive and fully usable handsets which bumped up the share to 4% world wide and around 15%in Europe only to be divested by Nadella. (That means its a corporate-PR approved part of the official narrative.). Enterprise is everything. Not all at once but steadily. I hope Nadella has jotted down a note to himself: Do not attempt to re-create Ballmer developers video. - Robust Domestic Market that Nadella Satya Operates in - The domestic market in which Nadella Satya is operating is both a source of strength and roadblock to the growth and innovation of the company. I love Windows Mobile for what it is but I am willing to give other things a shot with the caveat that I am going to very picky about the phone I get. This approach can lead to poor public relation and customer backlash. No mobile phone/mobile device means you are OUT in the future of big data and office work as the tect world moves on. Now, MS is no longer a inovative company. For years, he's never given a straight answer to anything, especially Win phones. But as noted by NOT having a precesence in Mobile with a OS that cleanly integrates into the PC, they are failing. Theres obvious resistance from customers who prefer the control of "owning" local installations even when their software goes hopelessly out of date and becomes a security nightmare. Disney's DMA contract already wasn't renewed. But iOS still can't do everything that I was able to do very easily and happily on WinPhone8. But he had passion and he truly seemed to care about Microsoft. But CEO Satya Nadella shared his plan for how. Windroid [andromeda OS for consumers]. Many people would buy this device on a world wide basis even though it is bigger than a smart phone. That's the role I had hoped (and still hope?) he likes a phone that has support from the company who makes it. It really is sad that Nadella were so short sighted. Even though I left WM almost 2 years ago, I was still using windows 10 as my daily drivers on my laptops/desktops. Hi All He was lured away from Sun in 1992 to join Microsoft, where he initially worked on the development of Windows NT, a landmark operating system that was aimed primarily at business users. Instead of capitalizing on that, he stopped making Windows Phones at all. On 16th June 2021, Nadella has been further appointed as the Executive Chairman of Microsoft, succeeding John W. Thompson. I recently went back to an iPhone 8, and will now likely never go back to Windows on a pocket device. 5. and then, MS release a half baked piece of garbage that they called a smart phone. WP is not OneCore so RIP WP, as announced. Those budget phone buyers were never going to drive app development. Me, I love live tiles. Jason Ward's influential writing might just be the snap of the fingerMicrosoft need to wake up out of the anti consumer mobilestate of consciousness. So their sole purpose was to select the highest priority ones and focus development on that. They make great products and then abandon the users who buy them. Recommendations to Nadella. "Computing is getting embedded in the real world, in a manufacturing plant, in a retail setting, in a hospital, in a farm," Nadella said. After going through a frustrating week of having to decide which phone to move to because my 1520 is officially dying and recieving news that I would essentially be wasting money by buying another Windows Mobile phone as they are pulling the plug, this is cold comfort.