All of this, because of . For, in the end, all of us still hold to a dharma, a truth, something to be expounded, a view. What is God? Improves the nervous system. Most people even educated physicists have dismissed Hudsons research because responses like the one above make little to no sense (at least according to modern rules of physics). There is another Physics they do not want you to know about! If you take this, you probably wouldnt feel any effect, but if you are one of the 15%, it could be life-changing, maybe even life saving. . I admit Im very healthy without it, but our bodies do need these minerals to function optimally. Their ego is fed by these things but their love suffers. What exactly does that mean? After Hudson discovered it in 1975, he spent many years trying to convince people he had found the miraculous alchemical device called the Philosophers Stone. It is the universal quantum coherent glue, which binds us all together. These monatomic materials have ceramic-like properties. To literally disappear here and reappear someplace else.". increase our base vibratory frequency and ascend into the fourth dimension How could it be that a small percentage of the earths matter could be comprised of a material which, heretofore, has been completely undiscovered? ( H 2 O is water, while H 2 O 2 is hydrogen peroxide.) Monatomic gold is considered relatively safe however, as with any substance you put in or on your body, caution should be used since everybody reacts differently to different things. According to legend, the power of Ormus was discovered when a monk who lived in the desert observed that when gold was heated, a white froth gathered on its surface. The material is not here to cure aids. A few years ago, I've inserted the following Precautionary The existence of monoatomic gold is described by changing the name everywhere in history. de Sion. Current News | Introduction | Colloidal Silver | Chemtrails | Sylphs | Emerging Diseases | Forbidden Cures | Ozone | Immunity Boosting | Nutrition |Tone Gen The challenge is that fabrication with nanoscale precision of These are substances with alleged unusual properties, such as the ability to help with spiritual growth and physical healing. He claims he has nothing to do with the occult world, and that he stays By a special process of arc heating, gold and other platinum group metals, can be turned into a single atom or Monoatomic substance, that has superconductive properties. He also claims to have spent millions of more dollars performing research on ORMUS at several laboratories in the United States. Do you know if you are RH(-)? The modality of these minerals in the body appear to be solely electromagnetic, rather than biochemical. I will let you know by the end of October Maybe. Monoatomic gold is easier to ingest without adversely reacting with your metabolism. Breaks down fat, fiber, protein & carbs. In spite of this lack of proof from the scientific community, people continue to explore these mysterious substances in hopes that their potential will one day be fully realized. Stretch lengths of pure gold mono-atomic wires have been studied recently with an electrochemical scanning tunneling microscope (STM). It has been observed that the valence electrons of monatomic elements are unavailable for chemical reactions. ORMUS in Mesopotamia But using it to grow Sprouts in. Monoatomic Gold, Ormus Benefits Of Monatomic Gold. Hudson continued to imply this as late as his 1999 lecture in Dallas. Quantum coherence. . (see figure above). Kadmon is really all about. Because it is a superconductor, it tends to ride on the magnetic field of the earth, giving it the powers of levitation. One guy says "I would like some H 2 O. Monoatomic gold sometimes referred to as the philosophers stone or star fire, is thought to be produced through the reduction process known as Alchemical Dew Transmutation. Beyond the assistance of monoatomic gold for the physical body, it also offers arguably even more benefit to the mind. Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. The implication here is that there is an entirely new phase of matter lurking about the universe. The company sells dozens of different supplements across different categories, including liquids, powders, m-state supplements, and crystals. our site is link free basically but if its link is onto inappropriate website, we might ask to delete the link. These metals are purported to be in a monoatomic state, which is different from a diatomic state (the metals have one atom instead of two atoms). Hayes mentions in her books that taking mono atomic gold is ultimately When it is chemically inert, it can be ingested to energize the body and the mind at the cellular level. Im interested as well Ive been taking it for 3 weeks now (Mother Earth Alchemy) but Im not sure if anything major is happening. The monatomic form of an element exhibits physical characteristics which are entirely different from its metallic form. to DNA Templates", J. Nanosci. . So badly that my kidneys were shutting down and my Dr was outta options besides admitting me and dialysis until a match was found. While no definitive conclusions have yet been reached, research has continued to investigate the potential health benefits associated with these alternative medicines. The lecture was titled Superconductivity and Modern Alchemy: Has the Philosophers Stone Been Found?. Athighstrain( >0.10,d>2.80),thedimerizedchainismore stablethanthelinearone.Actually,befored=2.80,thereisbasically . Join Our Mailing List & Receive a 10% Off Coupon! I have been taking home made ormus for about 3 days. Im looking for a product that will turn all this up a notch. The heavens shall then become red, like a refiner's fire, and you may safely watch this with everyone else. all the way back to the days of the Roman Empire -- and beyond? 191 University Blvd Suite 807 Denver, CO 80206, Monoatomic Gold History, Science, and Where to Buy, Monoatomic Gold Effects on the Mind and Body. THE PHILOSOPHERS STONE It is important to know that illegally texting your patient is a violation of HIPAA compliance. Hayes on Mono Atomic Gold: A Hidden Reptilian Agenda to Undermine DNA Activation, 'I Want My Colloidal Gold!' Nuclear physicists discovered in 1989 that the atoms of some elements exist in microclusters. Another kundalini awakened colleague who is both a scientist and a mystic wrote the following after having some kundalini experiences triggered by m-state materials: "The contacts that I have been getting from Gary have only intensified over the last few days, as I shared with you today. Im rh A neg and will start taking my meso gold as soon as it gets here. Hayes on Mono Atomic Gold: A Hidden Reptilian Agenda to Undermine DNA Activation In February 2009, I was sent a letter by a man named White Owl which greatly expanded my understanding of the deceptive allure surrounding the use of mono atomic gold and its reputation for opening doors to other vibratory planes. I will say this as well. One day, they will see it truly though.". Not only do our cells communicate via chemicals and electricity in our nervous system and throughout other processes, but also through the exchange of photons, or light particles. to a gold surface. From Anonymous, It greatly enhances the pineal gland, and yellow gold or gold salts will cause the hair of the subject to fall out, Its NOT THE FLU FOLKS Have u noticed that theyre mandating all health care workers get fully vaccinated including the useless flu vaccine?Read the package inserts on vaccineswhy DO WE NEED INSECT DNA IN THEM, MERCURY, FORMALDEHYDE, ANTIFREEZE, ABORTED FETAL CELLS??? You wont find this in textbooks yet. Who or what Because the valence electrons of monatomic atoms are unavailable, the atoms are unidentifiable. If if its still possible. That it blew out some monatomic Gold Elements. But until recently, no one knew about their relationship with Ormus. Can Help A Cats Severed Tail Grow Back. Superfluidity. This is a question for nuclear scientists to ponder. Simply put, monatomic gold has antigravity and superconductive capabilities and properties when it is heated to a certain temperature. wishes to keep their human slaves with them and not lose them to the joy, But Im not sure if its from monatomic elements. In that second lecture, Dave explains that monoatomic gold isnt a medicine and it isnt anti-anything. it into science. Hudson claims he cured a person with AIDS by giving her monoatomic gold. to further their plans in every age?" First, we must look at what this powerful substance is: Monatomic gold is made up of single atoms that arent bound to one another. compartmentalized, high-tech projects? Modern Science and Ancient Knowledge. It helps to fuel processes and support health in all these areas. I also suspect there is a connection with rh- blood types. Overall, monatomic gold can be a powerful ally in gaining a higher level of consciousness as well as improving ones own health through support of mental and physical strength. I come from an ultra-conservative right wing background. The only way you could get monoatomic gold would be as a thin (and hot) gas. Since writing that note, my concerns about taking mono Monatomic gold occurs naturally in the violet skins of fruits, vegetables and herbs. I am rh- & just ordered colloidal & monoatomic gold. How long did it take to see results? I would like to know if people who take this are or arent rh-. Though Ormus and monoatomic gold have been around for centuries, scientists still arent sure exactly how they work or exactly what effects they might have on humans who ingest them; however, there are many anecdotal reports showing that their consumption can produce significant improvement in peoples lives. Regular Monatomic gold is incredibly light sensitive so it is important that it is stored in a dark cool place away from pets and children. ZP claims to use naturally-occurring monoatomic elements harvested from mineral deposits in southern Utah. What classical science does not teach us is that there is, in fact, another phase of matter called monatomic. Because it is chemically inert, it can be ingested for health, wellbeing and super-energizing at the cellular level. Like to find out if I could get some of the ashes from it. Each supplement promises different benefits. If you believe in the powers of monoatomic gold and other ORMUS metals, then you can use it to cure cancer, AIDS, and virtually every other harmful disease in the human body. is apparently necessary to exist in physical form in the fourth dimension. Additionally, it promotes brain coherence, mental clarity and increased level of awareness. gold particles. There is new dna cell treatment. .yes we are ..everyone staying on the planet is..most of us go through a phase where we lose our hair..Its called light body activation..and there are 12 phases.. ul notice eye blurriness, increased eye discharge, feeling like grit or hairs or stuck in ur eyes, ear ringing, dizziness when standing, flu aches n pains, increased fatigue bigtime, change in relationships, jobs, living environment, etcand sling urself the bigger questions. It can't be that way. This being said, consumers should be aware that there have been reports of certain side effects associated with the use of these products. Monatomic atoms have been observed to exist in all the heavy elements in the center of the periodic table. "nicks" along the DNA backbone. Also found at this site was a large amount of a strange white powder. These differences are currently being investigated by nuclear physicists, so it isnt possible to make an exhaustive list of the differences. The gentleman who fasted for 43 days and had the kundalini awakening experience did not take any pure ORMUS gold during that period. Reverse Polarity Colloidal Silver Generator, White Owl on The Dangers of Monoatomic Gold & 'Enki' Aliens (Feb. 4, 2009), Anna These are tiny groups of between two and several hundred atoms. Colloidal gold is in the form of . Those benefits include: Cures All Forms Of Diseases, Including Cancer And Aids Its possible that they can help boost areas like creativity or mental acuity by impacting neurotransmitter function in the brain or by altering molecular structures within cells which may then affect DNA expression of certain genes associated with better cognition or enhanced immune response pathways. In general, a metallic element is physically stable and is a relatively good conductor of both heat and electricity and is usually chemically active. I too am rh- and was VERRRY SICK WITH MORGELLONS OR CHEMFLU= Synthetic chromosome #47..agenda 21 depopulation. There is no expiration on Monatomic gold, however for greatest potency, we suggest using within one year. This might be nothing but a scientific curiosity except for the fact that Hudson now claims that a relatively large amount of this previously undiscovered monatomic matter seems to exist in the earths crust. Interest in the concept of self-assembled nanostructures led to the It does not, in fact, produce any "release" from the cycle of birth-and-death. Thus, it is the grouping of atoms which defines the physical characteristics of the element; not just the number of neutrons and protons in the nucleus as previously believed. "], Excerpt from Chap. to produce longer molecules that would be easier to image. If you do not suspect that monatomic matter exists, it is unlikely you will accidentally find it. Because Hudson "Edible gold leaf has no taste, texture, calories, or expiration date," says science journalist L.V. Somehow the Egyptian Pharaohs and shadowy military-industrial alchemists -- WELL -- please note the following Speeds up digestion. Mono-atomic elements, also known as ORMUS (Orbitally Rearranged Molecules of Unusual Size) are a group of molecules that could be classified as 'pre-metals' and have the ability to correct DNA. Finding the perfect Monoatomic Gold Supplement is not rocket science and doesn't require extensive research. It can only be transformed permanently by man . Mono Atomic ORMUS Gold - Monoatomic Platinum Gold, Monatomic Gold, Orme 1oz - Memory AID, Heal DNA, White Powder Gold, Increased Energy, Vitality - Gold, Platinum, Iridium . Nothing is built that way. Superconductivity. Update Jan. 10, 2009: My initials concerns about taking mono atomic gold were arounsed by Ashayana Deane (formerly Anna Hayes) in her 1998 radio interviews with Jeff Rense (more details below). August 15, 2005. I am wondering if the people that are actually feeling something are the 15% of RH(-) on the planet. That allows a greater influx of oxygen which displaces carbon dioxide trapped in the cells and also increases the uptake of any other nutrients present.