Instead, the platoon leader immediately issues orders to his sections and contacts the MGS platoon leader to initiate coordination for handover of the enemy and support of the MGS platoon's hasty attack. f. Fire Support. (a) Deploy and Report. Before each mission, the leader designates the duration between digital and analog position updates. If the element makes visual contact but is not detected, it should continue the mission. This report is quickly followed by an initial spot report. Preparing and coordinating fire support for the friendly attack. b. What are the 8 forms of contact Army? This type of operation may require the battalion to activate its escape and evasion plan or to deploy a reaction or support force to help extract the friendly elements. Maintain contact and bypass. (b) Evaluate the Situation. (1) It is critical that the platoon maintains continuous surveillance of these mobility corridors to provide security against enemy forces that move into the sector after the reconnaissance platoon has moved on. a. Dismounted Formations. (3) Column Formation. (2) Exfiltration by Land. Each infiltrating element must develop and rehearse a plan that clearly defines its actions in case of contact with enemy security forces. Actions on Contact. It stops inside the wood line, ensuring it is still within the shadow line of the woods. These techniques provide a standard method of movement, but the platoon leader must use common sense in employing them as he performs his missions and encounters different situations. The trail element moves at variable speeds, providing continuous overwatch. Once they determine that the enemy in contact cannot influence them, they continue their mission with the platoon leader's approval. The advantages of moving as a platoon are faster movement and easier control and navigation. The platoon leader issues appropriate orders directing his subordinates to prepare to support the hasty attack. This formation can be used regardless of the platoon organization and is applicable to most reconnaissance platoon missions. Extraction by air or RV (ground) is favored when the resources are available and their use will not compromise the mission. Soldiers infiltrate by multiple lanes when two or more infiltration lanes are found through the enemy defense (Figure 3-20). Study now. (1) The ideal way for the platoon to make contact is by means of FBCB2 reports from sensor elements (such as tactical unmanned aerial vehicles [TUAVs], ground surveillance radar [GSR], or other intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance [ISR] assets). The eight forms of enemy contact are visual; direct; indirect; non-hostile; obstacles; aircraft; chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN); and electronic (sometimes referenced as "DINOCAVE" within the intelligence community). In addition, digital communications are to be maintained between the dismounted and vehicular elements. The command and control system software on the RV can create most standard graphic control measures used at platoon level. (5) Coil Formation. The platoon leader follows up on the contact report with an initial spot report. The size of the elements within the reconnaissance platoon depends on several factors: the assigned mission, time available, cover and concealment, target acquisition capabilities of both friendly and enemy forces, available communications assets, and navigation capabilities and limitations. It employs movement routes that put ridgelines, rivers, and other restrictive terrain between the platoon and enemy security forces. During the execution of reconnaissance and security missions, the reconnaissance platoon will encounter specific types of terrain or features that expose it to enemy fire. The element in contact next concentrates on defining what enemy it faces. 8 Forms of Contact (DINOCAVE) Direct Indirect Non-hostile Obstacle CBRN Aerial Visual Electronic Warfare Actions on Contact A series of combat actions, often conducted simultaneously, taken upon contact with the enemy to develop the situation. If necessary, the platoon can use a series of contact points, coordination points, or both, to enhance security during movement through the area. For example, the reconnaissance platoon leader must anticipate contingency measures in case his elements must conduct an unplanned exfiltration during a reconnaissance operation. Based on the initial spot report of the reconnaissance section or team in contact, the platoon leader determines that he has located his primary reconnaissance objective. Visual contact (the platoon is undetected by the enemy force). If this occurs, the platoon leader must decide whether to commit additional platoon assets to the contact to develop it further or to adopt a COA based on the information he has discovered to that point. b. Contingencies. DN\underline{\color{#c34632}{DN}}DN Nancy hasnt missed no football games this year. It provides for immediate direct fire suppression on an enemy force that engages the bounding element with direct fire. The move-set technique of movement is simply an organized way of controlling the reconnaissance section when it moves in bounding overwatch. This allows for continuation of the mission and reduces the chance of any loss of combat power. Vehicles must be located where enemy elements can not observe them. The overwatching section or team provides suppressive fires, both indirect and direct (if necessary), to cover the movement of the displacing unit. Figure 3-6 shows the platoon in the staggered column in a two-section organization with the heavy section leading. However, navigation, consolidation, and command and control are more difficult. b. (Refer to Chapter 6 of this manual for specific information on the urban environment.). This allows the platoon leader to evaluate and develop the situation while out of contact. Maintain contact to support a hasty attack. Contact with an unknown or superior force. It must, however, be far enough to the rear to avoid contact in case an enemy force engages the lead element. All leaders within the platoon must ensure that their subordinates continuously wear their night-vision devices when moving dismounted. Ask a Lawyer. 5 steps of Actions on contact DECER 1. (4) Rally Point. METL Development The steps of attacking a strongpoint are: ___, ___, ___, ___, and ___> Recon Move to OBJ Isolate OBJ Attack to seize a foothold A. As they develop new information, they send spot reports to the platoon leader. During infiltration, the platoon uses predesignated routes to reach its objective without being detected and engaged by the enemy. The platoon may infiltrate by sections, by teams, or as a complete platoon. The platoon leader assigns lanes to the sections and teams. If it has not yet sent a spot report, it initially focuses on getting enough information to send one. What is a light mortar? Wiki User. Read the following sentence, and decide whether it contains a double negative. Just another site. The platoon should strive to make contact with its combat multipliers or with its smallest possible internal elementthe dismounted soldier. Should the platoon become decisively engaged, it must have a plan on how to break contact with the enemy. The lead vehicle then moves forward again, with the overwatch vehicle providing security. Leaders must develop plans for extraction by applicable means (ground or air) before the operation, to include procedural contingencies such as the destruction of the RVs, evacuation of sick and wounded personnel, and disruption of communications. Urban areas are ideal for effective ambush by small numbers of infantry. (d) Execute the COA. He orders additional sections or teams to maneuver into the area. The platoon uses the column formation when speed is essential as it moves on a designated route (Figure 3-5). A system failure, an inability of the GPS to acquire satellites, or a lag time in position updates could prove disastrous in combat if the leader relies solely on the system. The platoon can also use indirect fires to degrade the enemy's acquisition and observation capabilities by forcing him to seek cover. The system features layered overlays that allow leaders to selectively post overlays based on the tactical situation. The column offers protection to the flanks but little to the front and rear. Once the platoon determines the nature of the enemy it faces, the platoon leader updates the spot report. In conducting both mounted and dismounted movement on the battlefield, the reconnaissance platoon uses three movement techniques: traveling, traveling overwatch, and bounding overwatch. Purposes of infiltration include the following: c. Planning. Chapter 4 of this manual discusses dismounted movement techniques in detail. Wiki User. What is a NGB 590? g. Actions on Contact. After reporting the initial contact to higher headquarters and receiving the order to break contact, the patrol disengages. The platoon uses these methods when it must cover long distances, time of return is essential, the exfiltration route lacks adequate cover and concealment, the enemy does not have air superiority, or heavily populated hostile areas obstruct ground exfiltration. In densely wooded areas, mounted elements are extremely vulnerable to dismounted enemy forces that can close on them undetected. The platoon leader attempts to hand off responsibility for the enemy element. (d) Execute the COA. As the reconnaissance platoon executes reconnaissance and security missions, it will encounter routes or mobility corridors that provide access into the area between the platoon and friendly elements to its rear. Reconnaissance vehicles are most vulnerable in wooded areas when they are stopped, so halts should be kept to a minimum. It is essential that the section or team left in contact understands what it needs to accomplish, who will execute the attack, and when the friendly unit anticipates being in position to receive handoff of the enemy. The plan would mandate that the resupply location be specially marked for security and identity purposes. a. (1) If using only the FBCB2 software, the commander must use only the necessary graphic control measures and icons for the mission to ensure clarity. Dismounted ground exfiltration is preferred when areas along the route are largely uninhabited, when enemy forces are widely dispersed or under such pressure that they cannot conduct counterreconnaissance and security operations, or when terrain is sufficiently restricted to degrade enemy efforts to use mobile forces against the exfiltrating reconnaissance unit. The platoon maintains contact or fixes the enemy in place until additional combat power arrives or the platoon is ordered to move (Figure 3-18. They base decisions about routes and movement techniques on the mission, terrain and weather, likelihood of enemy contact, speed of movement, and depth to which the platoon's elements must penetrate. Refer to the seven general categories of contact discussed in paragraph 3-4c. (d) Execute the COA. To shape the engagement area by forcing enemy elements to turn, slow down, stop, or flank themselves at . If the platoon leader determines he needs more information, he may commit additional assets (reconnaissance sections or teams) to develop the situation further. In all types of operations, contact occurs when an individual soldier, team, or section of the reconnaissance platoon encounters any situation that requires an active or passive response to the enemy. Cover and concealment are abundant, and it is easy for the enemy to remain undetected until he is at very close range. As soon as the lead vehicle is in a covered and concealed position, the overwatch vehicle moves to an alternate firing position and occupies a hide position while trying to maintain contact with the smallest possible element. It uses bounding overwatch because of the possibility of enemy contact. The section or team leader sends a contact report and quickly engages and destroys the enemy vehicle. (a) Deploy and Report. Infiltration plans always cover employment of indirect fires although the platoon uses them only in limited circumstances. (last updated February 8, 2012). Whenever possible, the reconnaissance platoon should reconnoiter urban areas from a distance, execute hand-off to follow-on elements, and bypass if possible. Initial Contact. Platoon staggered column formation. The platoon always executes the coil from the column or staggered column, using the four-vehicle organization. This information is part of the mission analysis during troop-leading procedures (discussed in Chapter 2).